In that case my wife loves me more than words can say.
by mtsgrad 7 Replies latest jw friends
In that case my wife loves me more than words can say.
I know you're going through a tough time and I'm sorry to hear of your troubles and hope things work out...
...but that was just damn funny
I never really was attracted to guys that were "easy".
Works for me
I tell women to "go to hell, your ugly, I wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot poll" like a charm they love it!
You seem to be my kind of guy
I say, what makes a bird fancy you most is a jolly good nosh-up of bangers and mash, if she's peckish.
playing games is not my thing & if you want to play games with me, I'm not interested! Do not call back. i don't want a return visit.