Wow, you're still here... Hi...

by Bryan 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bryan

    Hello everyone,

    I thought the sit eclosed by now...

    I just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I've been very busy in the stream of child abuse. I spoke in Hong Kong, Washington D.C. and Philly this year. January I speak in West Palm Beach, Florida then Atlanta, Georgia in June.

    Many of you probably know my story of abduction at 2 years old by my father who was an elder. I've spoken to 2 book clubs after they have read my book, Have You Seen My Mother, and it so funny to me that they want to talk more about the Witnesses than they do parental abduction/alienation.

    I remember being a Witness (25 years) and thinking that everyone was against us; hated us. I know now that no one knows anything about the Witnesses and really couldn't care less. It's amazing the paranoina created by the Tower and eaten up by the rank and file.

    I've just created a new soon-to-be non-profit, Prevent Parental Kidnap. Even though 350,000 children are abducted annually in the USA, there is no one talking about it. So I'm trying to eductate and help parents and professionals understand that they are hurting the children when they abduct and or try to alienate their children from the other parent.

    As far as the Witnesses... I'm starting to look at them as victims. They do make their own choices, but I feel the Watchtower is the real culprit in the damaging of families.

    Anyway... I hope everyone is well, having a great holiday and enjoying family and friends next to the glowing fire!

    My Best,

  • BabaYaga

    Wow... I didn't know about your book (nor your experience, Bryan.) All the best!

    Simon has worked to create a new site which will continue on and have all of the accounts and threads archived there. Hope to see you around.


  • purplesofa


    was just thinking about you the other day!!!

    good to see you!


  • Bryan

    Hey!! People are thinking of me!

  • beksbks

    Now don't take this wrong, but weren't you doing the Atkins diet? How goes it?

    Your Amazon reviews are stellar!

  • orangefatcat

    Hi Bryan how sweet of you to pop in and wish us all a Merry Christmas and I want to do the same to you wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy NewYear.

    Looks like you've been pretty busy. Simon is working on having the other site and running soon. We can stilll use our same avatars and other information. It is JWN. Kind of like a sister site.

    Again Bryan don't be shy drop in again and again


    Terryalt and a Happy New Year alt

  • Bryan

    Thanks Orange and bec,

    I will be around more often!

    Atkins? Ah, yes... I lost 50 lbs in the last year! I have gained 10 this holiday, but I'll burn it off soon enough. It feels so nice to be able to run again!!!!!

  • Newborn

    Dear Bryan, sorry to hear about your experience but thanks for sharing. I'm sure you'll be able to help many others in the same situation.

    Merry Christmas to you too

  • carla

    Merry Christmas!! Thanks for all you are doing with the child abduction and your witnessing about the witnesses!


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