Is what you get for throwing your shoes at George Bush.......................
...A Broken Arm and Broken Ribs...
by OUTLAW 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals
shouldn't have thrown the shoes.
Minimus..Your probably right..
He'll also serve 2 years in jail for insulting a state official.
Too bad Bush didn't suffer a broken arm or ribs or at least a good egg on the side of his head.......He might have learned one small lesson, for having such a big ego and infuriating the world and ignoring a good portion of us here in the US. Strangely, he stood their grinning like the moron he is.
It was the most wonderful thing I've seen on the news for a long time!!!!!!
That's nothing compared to the fact that about 40 journalists in this country, were jailed during the RNC. Charges were dropped but much later - after the police threw them in jail, took away their press passes and confined them for a few days. These were journalists and not rioters...journalists are the barometer of a nation's freedom - imprison them and you have no freedom. The USA is in Iraq to free them no?
I wonder what would have happened if he threw his Boxers at George Bush?..Maybe Bush would have taken him out for a drink?..
I believe he got assaulted because he missed George Bush!!
shoe i cide bomber.
"shoe i cide bomber." ..LOL!!..I like it!..Funny........He`ll probably be a hero in and out of jail..............