And with a deep drawl he pulled from without the rich life of the ambient forces to within the deep recesses of consciousness, and bade them bask in the glorious glow of the penumbras of ignorance, instructing them of the ways in which they should walk. And for this reason none should question the radiant penumbra’s shadow, for One thought so much of the world that He undertook the task of thinking for all mankind, so that none may be ignorant of his own free will, but only through the condescending power that is His. Alas for those who have fallen prey to the snare of thinking, for thinking leads to rational conclusions, and rational conclusions leads to the death of the glorious ignorance that is ours. Take heed my brethren, and do not follow the masked corruption of thought into destruction.
"Abandon all hope. all ye who enter here!"
by John Doe 9 Replies latest jw friends
Methinks you have need of a visit to that farrier of which you spoke.
All God's children need traveling shoes.
John Doe
Sylvia, bet you can't name where the title quote was taken from.
Dante's Divine Comedy.
I used to have an eidetic memory.
John Doe
Very good. I always think of a story when I see that quote. Evidently, there was a lit professor who kept that in a huge poster over his office.
All people have the freedom to decide wether to use their mind and reasoning abilities or not, they can do their own thinking and reasoning or they can simply let others do their thinking and reasoning for them. What a grand blessing it is to have others do our thinking and reasoning for us, They who daily commune with He who knows all and lovingly channel His thoughts to us who choose not to think for ourselves.
Even now They are throwing the "sacred bones" to see what it is we should do next. It makes me giddy and ligthheaded just thinking about it. Oh sorry, I forgot to not think; I sinned again.
"Abandon all hope. all ye who enter here!"
That was written above the gates to the college I went to.
Abandon hope all ye who enter here
The supposed inscription at the entrance to Hell.
Dante Alighieri wrote this allegorical epic poem between 1306 and 1321
Dante Alighieri wrote this allegorical epic poem between 1306 and 1321
is a highly symbolic work dealing with themes of sin, salvation, and redemption. Its view of Hell is based on Catholic Christian doctrine at the time of the late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance, the time when Dante wrote his great work.
.The sinners in Hell are all guilty of one or more of the seven deadly sins
In the 6th Century AD, the Catholic Pope Gregory the Great listed the the seven deadly sins are as follows: Luxuria (extravagance, later lust), Gula (gluttony), Avaritia (greed), Acedia (sloth), Ira (wrath, more commonly known as anger), Invidia (envy), and Superbia (pride). Each of the seven deadly sins has an opposite among the corresponding seven holy virtues: chastity, abstinence, temperance, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility. -
John Doe
All people have the freedom to decide wether to use their mind and reasoning abilities or not, they can do their own thinking and reasoning or they can simply let others do their thinking and reasoning for them. What a grand blessing it is to have others do our thinking and reasoning for us, They who daily commune with He who knows all and lovingly channel His thoughts to us who choose not to think for ourselves.
Amen brother.
Dante wrote all that in fifteen minutes between 1306 and 1321 and was in time for his lunch at halfpast-one ?