Most of you folks know what I'm talking about, we've all experienced the white sheet and some will remember people that would cloaked themselves continually
more than others to keep an illusion of themselves. One of the more prominent behavior patterns that comes to mind when thinking about the JWS is the ever-present
I am righteous and you are not personal profiles of the majority and it highlights the proclamation JWS good people , non - JWS bad people, this indoctrinated profile was probably
the most distasteful to me as I was growing up through my informative years as a youth and was impart one of the reasons I eventually left.
In short, I realized the religion was deceitfully full of bullshit as were the people that were surrounding it and had covered themselves with it.
Why is the reason thats worthy of discussion and why is it that some people will only put their foot in the door only on a Sunday morning and some others will
give up their entire lives for a cause that seems so redundant only to maintain the power of the hierarchy that is so false of its own devised identity.