Get ready for the 2009 Aposta-Bookstudy!

by Nathan Natas 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Due to the price of gasoline, in 2009 aposta-bookstudies will be implemented in aposta-homes throughout the aposta-world.

    Here, life-giving water of truth will be dispensed to any thirsting for it.

    The first title to be considered will be WHY EVOLUTION IS TRUE, by Jerry A. Coyne, a member of the Aposta- and Discreet Slave Class.

    If you are unable to gather with like minded friends and seekers after truth, we urge you to consider reading this book in place of the imaginative garbage disposed of by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.

    A special class for younger truthseekers using a different publication will be announced soon.

  • jamiebowers

    Very funny!

  • WTWizard

    I already believe in evolution--just because the odds against it are near infinite, it only takes the one time it succeeded to prove that it can and did happen. And, I have no way of knowing how many googolplexes of failed attempts happened (and automatically reset) before this time.

    Plus, we are seeing evolution in action now. Orchids are visibly evolving to this very day. And, lest you think evolution is dead, try telling the makers of pesticides and antibiotics (and the people that have to use them) that insects and bacteria are not evolving to resist said chemicals right before their eyes. It's only a matter of time before some will cross major species, genus, family, order, or even class boundaries with evolution.

    And, to refute the claim from the Creation book that you could fit all the evidence for evolution on a ping pong table, you can fit all the evidence for creation, the alternate theory, on the same ping pong table and play a game of Ping Pong on it while said evidence is on the table.

  • yadda yadda 2

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