Boneless Ribeye Roast - 15 pounds - only $2,299.99

by Nathan Natas 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    and delivery is free!

    I just opened an email from COSTCO, and this is one of the featured items.

    It is Japanese Kobe Wagyu beef: the real heavily-grained fatty stuff. I'll probably need a couple, so I have some left over for sandwiches and the neighbor's dog.

    Or maybe not.

    I'd rather have grass-fed American Plains Buffalo.

  • rekless

    I'll just take regular beef steaks or roast and slow smoke it with garlic.

  • VM44
    Boneless Ribeye Roast - 15 pounds - only $2,299.99

    Yikes! Guess I will have to stay with Soylent Green!

  • jaguarbass

    I guess the rich have more money than they know what to do with.

    I can get a 24oz T.Bone porter house at Codys for 25.00 with Salad, potatoe and 24oz of Amberbach.

    And my taste Buds couldnt tell the difference.

    And wouldnt want to .

  • UnConfused

    ....well if it's free delivery it's not a bad deal.

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