Sorry I'm confused but...where I live, we celebrate the 24th.
Do American's celebrate Christmas the 25th? i.e today
by Newborn 3 Replies latest jw friends
It's the 25th.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
In USA, Dec. 24 is "Christmas Eve". Many businesses close at noon. Retail stores stay open late for last minute shopping. Some churches have special programs. Santa breaks in peoples houses leaving presents for the good girls and boys.
Dec. 25 is "Christmas Day". Nearly everything is closed. Few churches have special services. Many families get together for happy, memorable times. Other families get drunk, fight, then the police get called and someone winds up in the emergency room at the hospital. The dumbest JWs will actually go out in "Field Service".
Dec. 26 is "After Christmas Sales". People return a lot of the crappy presents and exchange them for other crappy stuff. Sometimes you can find great bargains if you don't mind picking through what has already been picked through.
B the X
Thanks for clearing that out for me Bill