Latest talk or Watchtower on "MERCY"???

by Lady Liberty 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Hi all..

    Haven't been on the forum in ages...heard there was recently a talk or a Watchtower that came out on showing MERCY. Anyone know or heard of it?? Had a JW relative mention it breifly yo my sister and was wondering if any of you had the article or have perhaps discussed it and could possibly lead me to the link.

    Thank you....

    Lady Liberty

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Hmmm I wonder if our relative was smoking crack!!?? It seems like maybe no one has heard of this...maybe it was just a comment at meeting...

    Thanks you anyway..

    Lady Liberty

  • yknot

    Well the BookStudy (chapter 11) covers 'forgiving' and showing mercy........(kept thinking how hypocritical of the powers that be -WTS, GB,BOE, CO, DO etc) when do they rarely if ever show those scriptural principals........

    If you wanna 'gleam' these gems........

  • caliber

    I think most talk on JWD looks for harsher treatment (faders to be announced as longer JW's ) rather than

    some form of increased mercy of some sort ! Time will tell I guess !


  • blondie

    There was a standard public talk outline on mercy...good information but rarely applied under the roofs of the WTS.

  • truthsetsonefree


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Thank you everyone....

    The bookstudy is probably where she heard it..I appreciate you posting the article!


    Lady Liberty

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