go see Seven Pounds for a wicked good cry..........

by oompa 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    very slow to develop due to so many plots....it was fun guessing about what would happen to each plot (esp. if you get them all right!)..... i had a feeling they would all converge at the end....and boy how....

    just start crying when the beeper goes off...then cry the rest of the movie....at the end when the title came on the screen was when I realized why it was called Seven Pounds....i did not even pay attention early on and did not know the name of the movie.....very moving experience.................oompa

  • Dune

    Yeah, the movie was a tear-jerker. Sure it had it's faults, but after seeing the movie i coudln't understand why critics hated it so much.

  • Snoozy

    I don't know why I thought it was a comedy

    I just saw "Wanted" yesterday..with Angeline Jolie...so much action..but it did remind me of Mr and MRS Smith...

    It was over before you knew it.

    Snoozy..still out on if I liked it or not...

  • ninja

    i watched seven pounds the other night...it was okay.......dead man's shoes is a good film if you haven't seen it......ninja's film pick of the month

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