there have been much response to the WTS being involved with the UN and I could not read all of the posts. If I am addressing something that have already been addressed please excuse me. I think that they pulled because the president of the USA asked everyone to set up a program of assistance for all of the victims and their families of the WTC disaster. He especially appealed to the NGO's to take the lead in this effort. The WTS did not want to involve themselves in this charitable effort for their own selfish reasons and so pulled out. That is my opinion.
They got found out and decided to withdraw and engage in as much damage control as they could by saying it was just for the library card and that the UN changed the requirements for NGO's (which they didn't, but what jw is going to challenge them let alone check it out?), requirements which went against their "Christian" beliefs.
They actually state that they are thankful for it being brought to their attention....thankful to "apostates" I wonder?
They know their members are anxious for any explanation, it doesn't matter what.
I don't think that's the reason because I got a letter from my sister in law who states in the letter that the WT opened the doors to the people fleeing ground zero. They gave them food and drinks and Watchtowers with "hope for the future". etc. etc. The reason in my opinion is because it's a deceiving leadership. They're not honest.
It takes apostates to warn God's Org.? Come on. Idiocy rules! Upthere anyway.
I had not thought of that possibility. I think it may have been a factor, but I think all the commotion created by the "apostates" got them to thinking in the first place. I don't think they wanted to make a committment to real charity as is implied in your post, nor did they want the public exposure that was coming their way from the folks who found them out. October was a bad month for them.