I came across this doing research. It's long, but it really makes a lot of sense. I did come across quite a few typos(words that were used and etc), but still worth reading. I corrected some. The person only meant good. I also don't know what they meant by 7?
Have a great day everyone......
"If You were born a miracle... Then you still ARE that miracle!"
.: RBA
"Love is the ultimate common ground"
.: RBA
"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll end up amongst the stars."
" "A path is formed by walking on it."
--?? ... You are whatever you are. Just because you are something now, doesn't mean you can't be something different, or it's wrong to be something or someone different. The natural you is whomever you want to be, even if that's a new you that's taking baby steps to becoming."You do not serve god by playing small"
Marianne Williamson, often miscredited to Nelson Mandela
x. You can do anything you put your mind to
And so can kids.
In fact, even though I was abused as much as any child could be, my grandmother saved me by repeating the above manta "You can do anything you put your mind to, you can do anything you put your mind to"
And eventually, I did do anything and EVERYTHING I put my mind to.
She was right
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't... you're right!"- Ford?
Remember, to give young children under 7 or 8 or so blind encouragement.
The time to mold them is a little later on, after 10.
Under 7, you are programming their drive. They lust for life.
x. You were a born star, nothing less, and maybe a lot more
I can tell you this, though...
you weren't a born salesman
a born pessimist
a porn piano player
or anything else remotely like that.
I've failed to meet even one child playing a piano or selling insurance right after emerging from the womb.
The fact is, you're more like beautiful silly putty.
You are imagination put into flesh.
You are capability.
You're really something amazing, kid.
You're just not anything SPECIFIC.
Specifics come from... well... you'll see
David Eckstein wasn't supposed to be the baseball player he was. Doesn't fit the profile. Yet he does.
x. Reality comes from make believe
And when you stop pretending to be different people, you ended up being the last person you pretended to be!
All realities start with imagination. Start with make believe.
Make believe becomes real when you stop changing your mind as to what to make believe.
Make believe + time ... make beliefs real
1. You were born to be happy
Nobody was born to feel bad.
If you think that, it's NOT your thought. Someone passed it onto you. That someone lied. They're confused.
"Don't worry, be happy"
Take Bobby McFarland's worth as gospel...
2. When "bad" people don't like you... that's good! (learning to embrace rejection)
3. Everything starts beautiful. Ugly is beauty all bent out of shape.
4. You were a miracle, and you still are that miracle!
"every man and woman is a star"
5. You are the god of your own life
I'm not being religious here, not trying to, anyway.
Nor am I saying anything different than what your religion says (or doesn't.)
Even Christianity says this, by stating that god created you in his image. And thus, who are you, but a god in human form?
It doesn't mean you're THE god, or the president of the spiritual country. All it means is that you, in your life, have tremendous power to affect your life...f or better or worse.
6. There's an infinite amount of everything good
And even if in some scientific way, there isn't, it doesn't matter.
Fact is, we make more and more good with the belief that there can be more.
For all practical intents and purposes, it's true. There's infinite good, for you, for me, and everyone.
Good is like air. So abundant, we don't even notice...
it's the rare, the evil, that gets noticed.
It's useful to notice that which is out of place, so we can fix it. So we can stomp out the evil, and make the good even better.
This is a noble cause. It's good that we notice that few things that are out of place, those things which are not "good".
But never let the awareness of that which isn't good that trick you into thinking that 99 or even 999 good things don't happen for each "bad" thing.
It does.
More good things happen to you and everyone each day, otherwise the world would be crumbling into chaos.
And it's not, except in war torn areas.
And even things get better in those places. People get sick of fighting, they get burnt out on feeling bad, and lust to live life again... and then good reigns once more.
Summary: Cheer up. There's good all around! :-)
7. Let others have their cake, and you can have yours, too
The biggest mistake you can make is trying to feel better by making others feel small.
I've seen politicians do this. They feel elite, like 'kings', because others are peasants.
When you do that, you are poor.
It doesn't matter what riches the president or modern kings have. By keeping people down, they live in a much less interesting world than they could. They are harming themselves as they harm others.
Avoid falling prey to this.
Give others their freedom.
Rejoice when they make money, make money, or have fun.
Smile at their kids, and be happy that they're happy.
When you do this, you are allowing yourself to be prosperous and happy, too.
And a bonus:
8. Be grateful for what you have, and in just a moment... whether you want it or not... you'll have more! Poof
When you stop to appreciate what you have now, in just a moment... you'll find yourself with more.
It doesn't matter if you don't have anything to appreciate. You, in fact, DO.
9. Love and GOOD is all around, the world is made of it... even if you don't see it
You don't see air.
You don't see the lens on your eye.
But it's here
it's there
it's everywhere
There is INFINITE good.
Just because you take it for granted, doesn't mean the world isn't good.
You've been taking things for granted so long, fact is, I bet you've even taken granted for granted.
10. Love is the ultimate common ground
Life is the ultimate common ground
I can't decide which one it is.
We can truly get along with anybody and everybody.
We are genetically 99% the same. The last 1% makes the differences that we all appreciate...
or I hope we do.
For it is our difference that makes us interesting and attractive.
I bet if you met your clone, you wouldn't appreciate them.
11. Today's superficial children is a good thing
Would you rather see kids in a mall, spending recklessly, or in a war torn nation, killing recklessly?
There's something better to worry about.
I'll tell you what it is.
It has a single name.
It is called
12. Hope heals and fear kills
13. Force is the root of all evil
It's not money. In fact, that's stupid. Money is just a snapshot time and energy. It allows our labor to be transferred. Big deal.
You can add force to any equation to create evil.
Add force to sex, it is evil
Add force to tooth-floss, it'd be evil, too
Force is at the root of all real crime. When judges learn this, they'll be able to make decisions faster. "Was there force involved?" If there was consent, the question is no, not even where someone dies. How can there be a murder, if they asked Dr. Kevorkian to do it?
14. Power doesn't corrupt absolutely, it's the power to force that corrupts absolutely
Think about it. It's all the positions of power, whereby you're given unethical powers to force people and it's OK, that people fall
Earned power, ethical power, is the power to convenience and influence.
Nobody has the right to force, except when forced. That is the only time.
Force is only "justified" to stop people or things that have enacted force against you.
The power to force... and get away with it.
That is the downfall of society, all society's past, future, present. Of this world, and any others.
15. Life is too long and too short for anything other than excess ecstasy
16. The ultimate thing you can give to anybody is their freedom
Temporarily, you may need to give a hand... give a fish... give money...
Ultimately, the most you can give someone is the ability to use their own life.
To earn on their own... to catch their own fish... to make their own money...
People's greatest joy comes from their own creation. That is how self-esteem is earned.
You cannot give someone self-esteem, you can only point the way.
You can take self-esteem away.
Make someone dependent, and you have killed them.
Eventually, it'll get back to you.
Set someone free, and they'll often stick around...
... because they LIKE you!
17. When is something good or bad? When selfishness isn't selfish
I once heard the definition that what is good, is good for you.
That's not too bad.
What I like more is that good things tend to be
Good for you, and
Good for others
A plus sum game.
When you give to charity, for instance, it's good for you.. you get to feel good about yourself, even receive some recognition from peers or want to be peers. You also help someone.
If you're helping someone, and it's not helping you... I will tell you now: you're probably not helping them, whether you know it or not.
If you do a "close investigation" of circumstances whereby just one party wins, you'll see that rarely, if ever, does either side end up with anything of value.
For instance, take welfare. You think it helps people. In fact, in the short term, it may...
but someone who is dependent long-term, is dead long term.
I've never been around a long term welfare recipient who didn't curse and in fact, bite, the hand that feeds them.
18. Sometimes a people vacation is necessary for you to change
Everyone expects us to be who we are -- all of the good and bad we are.
It's easy to get sucked up and be the same person around them, no matter how hard we try to change.
I'd recommend a vacation from all the generally good and best people in your life.
And I'd recommend a permanent RETIREMENT from those not so good people in your life, people who bring you down.
Yo don't need 'em.
There's over 7 billion people on this planet.
19. People give whatever they have.
20. Make room to get more
Dump your crappiest friends.
It will a) help them, and b) help you.
Rejection is a gift. Leave them, and they have the best motivation AND opportunity to change.
The motivation, because hey... a decent person left. Time for them to do SOMETHING.
The OPPORTUNITY, because you won't be around to keep them as they were. As well meaning as we are, we sometimes keep people stuck as the crappy people we are, through our unconscious understanding of their history and our expectations.
For you, you'll now have an opening. For a new friend.
There's 7 billion people on this planet. Could there be someone more exciting that one of your dumpiest friends?
I GUARANTEE you that there is.
And I also guarantee that you won't meet or have time for them if you're filling your time with time wasters and losers.
The time wasters and losers were once miracles, too, and in fact, still are... by rejecting them you give them the opportunity to show it
21. You are awesome, mighty and powerful
You do not serve god by playing small quote
With NLP, people have been able to install extreme amounts of confidence. There has been a problem with this.
Be aware confidence without any shred of competence isn't good, either. Richard Bandler, creator of NLP, calls this 'confidence without competence'.
Water is a good, beneficial, life giving substance
Too much, and you're done.
With everything, must come balance.
Yes, you are all valuable and powerful... The point is you must act it, not just believe it.
And remember... everyone else is all important and powerful, as well.
Be kind to others. You are amongst kings and queens, prince and princesses, gods and goddesses.
Have respect for yourself, and treat others with the same respect, and even reverence.
Life is remarkable.
Including your life.
And the lives of others.
22. Credit
Credit is extenidng to what you do not already have... yet.
In hopes, or better, knowing, that you will be to repay.
With interest.
Sometimes giving a criminal credit, extending to them some humanity, some glimpse that they are good, honest people...
is exactly what they need to become a good, honest person.
Yes, if they bite back you can't continue.
But if you treat them as a criminal forever, they will tend to remain one.
It's tricky dealing with people in trouble.
Sometimes credit helps a lot. Overextending credit, though, can hurt more than ever.
That's when the magic of out and out rejection comes in.
Nothing is a shrewder teacher or opens more opportunity for change (to escape the typecasting inherent in expectations and past experience) than rejection.
Because I love you.
23. There's no good and bad. There's good and... better.
And better is always a valid direction.
Life is a verb, not a noun.
There's no static good and bad... there's directions, though...
there's better. there's what is.
no matter what we're doing, we're going in one of those directions.
I'd always rather being up... unless I'm headed towards Filene's basement to pick up a killer deal on some sweet ass pumps.
24. if you can do anything, you can do anything.
if you can do anything at all no matter how little and unimportant, you can do anything at all no matter how big and important.
just as much as you can make someone upset, you can make them incredibly happy, too.
all there are is a bunch of basic building blocks, a giant lego set. you can either build pleasure, or on the other hand, you can build absolute sheer ecstasy.
"Excuse to touch you" touch
"Excuse to touch me" touch
25. A famous quote says "If you do what you always did, you'll always get the same result"
Another famous quote is "Doing what you always did and getting the same result is INSANITY'
26. Compromise is death
The way compromise is normally done, anyway.
And it's death to personal relationships, as well as mass relationships - society.
Bad compromise works like this...
In a personal relationship, let's say one person wants to see movie X, and the other wants to see movie Y. They compromise by seeing movie Z - a movie neither really wants to see.
In society, you give up freedom X, someone else gives up freedom Y. You end up with some grey, crap colored area Z - something neither wants.
here's an important fact...
In Time, EVERYONE can have exactly what they want.
So let's work this differently, and instead of calling it compromise, let's call it negotiation.... the kind of negotiation that allows YOU to get what you want, and the other party to get what they want.
So in a personal relationship, you want to see movie X, your partner movie Y. What you should now negotiate is when you'll see X and when you'll see Y together. Or maybe you'll agree to experience them separately and chat about the experience later.
Z never enters the picture.
in society, you allow someone X, and they allow you Y.
Z never enters the picture.
Good compromise is more a matter of time management.
Again, in TIME, we can all have what we want.
And we HAVE to be adult enough, grown up enough to ALLOW other people to have what they want, in order for us to get what we want. This is the only sustainable solution.
When we start getting greedy, insisting that only we get what we want, and nobody else gets what they want... that's a road that ultimately leads to nobody getting anything.
This is a world we can all have everything we want, where there's more than enough for everyone.
Be giving, allow others their freedom... and you'll receive, too.
1. Opinions are like sinuses
They blow
Say "That's not right", "you're not right"
They ARE right. What they say may be 'wrong', but everyone is right.
People get caught up defending themselves, not what they say, when you accuse THEM of being wrong.
2. Rejection is a gift
Thank others for giving it (if only to yourself), and give it freely.
Often people who should change, won't change without rejection, if only temporary rejection.
This may sound 'tough love' to you, but it's actually sweet love, because it works.
Money is just energy. Stop wigging out about it.