If "They" Knew......

by cameo-d 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d

    "They" are the ones in the watch towers with the telescopes and seismographs, and all the high tech equipment registering changes in the earths movements.

    If these high tech sensors registered movements of an impending disaster..... perhaps that predicted Tidal Wave from La Palma....or an impending caldera blast from Yellowstone....or nuclear missles being fired from another country...

    do you think they would really tell us?

    Would they not simply shrug and say "there's nothing they can do about it anyway" and just keep quiet?

    Would they not look ahead and say "if we evacuate them, it will be like Katrina all over again and they will become a responsibility to an overburdened system that cannot provide" and simply keep quiet?

    If we were days or hours away from a cataclysmic disaster...would "they" tell us?

    Do you think if they wanted to tell us...and we had half a chance...that "they" would be silenced by the Powers That Be?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings, Cameo:

    If we were days or hours away from a cataclysmic disaster...would "they" tell us?

    I really wonder, as "their" track record to date is pretty dismal. There always seems to be a real-life agenda that persists above and beyond Hollywood on-screen hyperbole.

    I, too, am watching Yellowstone with interest.

    I have family nearby ...


  • Purza
    Would they not simply shrug and say "there's nothing they can do about it anyway" and just keep quiet?

    I doubt that they would keep it quiet; someone wouldn't be able to keep this under wraps and leak it to the media.

    I guess the really question is, would people actually believe it and evacuate?


  • AnneB

    Alas, Babylon! (Pat Frank, 1959)

  • Gill

    'They' are not in complete control even if 'they' want to believe tha they are .

    There's always a leak. Always someone with a conscience. Always someone who wants money for a story. Always.......

    The results would of course be chaos and population cull either way.

    Sort of a win win situation for 'them.'

  • mrsjones5

    Nah, they wouldn't tell us. I mean they don't tell us about flood warnings, storm warnings, tornados, ice storms, etc. If they don't warn us about that stuff why the hell tell us about the big stuff?

    Josie ~ trying to get her tongue out of her cheek

  • cameo-d

    How's this for a possible scenerio.....

    Since the big media may have been told to shut up...or maybe no one is releasing facts to them....suppose the little guys just keep reprinting what has been said. Suppose they just keep repeating it incessently until someone has to answer to the masses?

    Will it work?

    Anyway.....here's an example ......


    Volcano Disaster: Scientists Concerned About Yellowstone Eruption

    By Susan Hatch
    Dec 31, 2008
    There have been more earthquakes than usual centered under the ancient Yellowstone Supervolcano's Caldera and the small quakes are enough that that has scientists concerned about a huge eruption from Yellowstone. Researchers are stumped as to why the earthquakes are stronger than usual.

    A report from Gene Byrd notes, "The park has thousands of earthquakes each year but these have researchers concerned and the report notes that they have long predicted that the Yellowstone supervolcano will eventually erupt again." ----And by the way...others on the web are confirming that USGS has given NO UPDATES since the announcement a few days ago.

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