Jehovah inspires the writing of talk outlines.

by tresdecu 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tresdecu

    Although the WT claim they are not inspired. There is a crazy undercurrent, that I've always just took for granted, that many of the bros and sis's think they actually are inspired. We recently had a statement in a public talk that "Jehovah saw fit to have the governing body put this <whatever it was> in this outline". These statements used to just fly by with out much critical thought, but really drives me crazy.

    I'm sure the governing body enjoys this witness legend that they really are inspired.

    Just venting, cause I am still attending :frowning:


  • wobble

    I know what you mean,sometimes a speaker would say "this is not what I say but let me read to you what the outline says Blah bla h blah"

    as though that gave the scripture twisting ,mind controlling load of Bull Ca Ca extra weight,or was EQUAL to Scripture.

    as we say here in the U.K What a load of Bollocks!



  • loosie

    I think crack insprires the outlines.

  • Frank75

    Inspired by Holy Spirit and direct or led by Holy Spirit (Spirit Directed) is a distinction without a difference.

    Witnesses "in the know" will snap that "Watchtower is NOT inspired" when asked but simultaneously treat every word in it as direct(ion) from God.

    The rank and file will tell you the bible and Watchtower are on the same level as an authority as you point out. But the cognitive dissonance of Dubs will gladly ignore direct statements in the bible in favour of the Rabbinical ramblings of the WT.


  • AnnOMaly

    I know a respected pioneer elder who often says from the stage that the letters from the Branch are letters from Jesus, that Jehovah has given us direction through the KM, and that He set up the various TMSs, Gilead schools, etc.

  • halcyon

    I wonder if they view their own MS talks in the same way ... they obviously know that when they sit down to write a talk, they are not any more inspired by God than when they sit down to write out a grocery list. However, they will probably say to each other, "Wasn't that talk by sister so-and-so good last Thursday! It was just what I needed to hear." Implying: "Jehovah gives us food at the proper time!"

  • WTWizard

    That does two bad things:

    (1) It gives credit to Jehovah where that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag doesn't deserve it.

    (2) It defrauds people to obey things that are bad for themselves.

  • tresdecu

    Frank75 made a good point:

    "Inspired by Holy Spirit and direct or led by Holy Spirit (Spirit Directed) is a distinction without a difference."

    Yes indeed, it is slight of hand by the WT.

  • Quandry

    "this is not what I say but let me read to you what the outline says Blah bla h blah"

    Yes, at this and other points I used to nod my head appropriately, all the while being so impressed by the speaker who would so humbly state these words to emphasize the importance of the information.

  • Frank75

    "this is not what I say but let me read to you what the outline says Blah bla h blah"

    Yes, at this and other points I used to nod my head appropriately, all the while being so impressed by the speaker who would so humbly state these words to emphasize the importance of the information.

    I remember leaning to whisper to my wife on one of those auspicious occasions of mock "humility" by a speaker, "so is he saying we shouldn't trust the rest of his paraphrasing?"



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