Hey guys, nice site update. Just wanted to fill you all in on what's been going on. After the JWD announcement, I ended up on JWR and have been posting there pretty regular.
In the meantime, I've started a relationship with someone and have taken several more steps out of the organization. I decided not to hide my relationship and added her on my Facebook as well as put her in my relationship status. There was a JW couple who got me into the game World of Warcraft, and they were both my friends on Facebook. I got a message from the woman saying "hey you didn't tell me you had a g/f! congrats!" I decided not to answer because that's essentially all I wanted her to know. Later, I was chatting with them using the WoW chat system. She started asking me questions. Then, she asked the one every witness asks: "Is she a witness?" I said "no." After several expressions of disappointment, telling me she doesn't want me to end up like her dfed brother-in-law (who got dfed for "fornicating" with his wife before they got married). Then she asked if I was sleeping with her. I told her I'm not going to discuss that matter, as it is private. She responded, "so does that mean yes?" I responded affirmatively. I had decided I wasn't going to lie, and I realized that she was going to think I was sexually active unless I said no, so I wasn't going to lie and say no. She predictably freaked out. Interestingly, she used quite a bit of profanity as well. Last I heard she called my parents, who are now talking about finding another place for my JW brother who lives with me. In the meantime though, he's still at my place, and doesn't seem to be aware of anything. In fact, an elder was over for his weekly study with my brother and didn't say a word. I'm hoping they're figuring that since I've been inactive for so long, and don't really present myself as a JW anymore, they're going to let the matter rest.
I personally haven't talked to my parents about it, so I don't really know what's going on, and I don't want to bring it up, either. I kind of hope my brother moves out, because then my exit from the organization will be pretty much complete.