Can somone scan the '' w2007 5/1 pp. 30-31 Questions From Readers ?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Can someone scan the whole article for me? I found a great answer to my question: Could the "Memorial" night and number of partakers be all fake?

    Trevor Scott said:

    I don't believe the published number of partakers is accurate. The number went down previously because the Watchtower Society wanted the number to go down, because it provided them with some "evidence" for the nearness of the end. Now the number is going up because the Society WANTS it to go up. Why? One possibility is that artificially raising the number of partakers provides the WTS with a means of doing away with the 1935 cutoff year for anointed.

    Given the fact that the Governing Body knows full well their prophesied "end" is NOT just around the corner, they needed to do away with the 1935 year. If they didn't get rid of the 1935 cutoff they'd eventually run out of anointed in the same way that they ran out of the "1914 generation". Running out of anointed means no more "faithful and discreet slave", and where is that concept in their end-time doctrine? The entire Watchtower religion/publishing company is built on the foundation of the chosen "faithful and discreet slave". No memorial partakers means no slave means no governing body means no Watchtower religion.

    When the 1914 generation dwindled to the point of no return, the WTS dumped the date. The 1935 generation has approached the same point. By artificially raising the number of partakers, the Society can then point at the increase in partakers as "evidence" that 1935 was not the cutoff after all. Note:

    *** w07 5/1 pp. 30-31 Questions From Readers ***

    Hence, especially after 1966 it was believed that the heavenly call ceased in 1935. This seemed to be confirmed when almost all who were baptized after 1935 felt that they had the earthly hope. Thereafter, any called to the heavenly hope were believed to be replacements for anointed Christians who had proved unfaithful. Without a doubt, if one of the anointed unrepentantly falls away, Jehovah does call another individual to take his place. (Romans 11:17-22) However, the number of genuine anointed ones who have become unfaithful is likely not large. On the other hand, as time has gone by, some Christians baptized after 1935 have had witness borne to them that they have the heavenly hope. (Romans 8:16, 17) Thus, it appears that we cannot set a specific date for when the calling of Christians to the heavenly hope ends.

    So the Society points to the (artificial) increase in partakers as evidence that the calling of anointed did not end in 1935: "Thus, it appears that we cannot set a specific date for when the calling of Christians to the heavenly hope ends." This opens the door for more anointed, which extends the collective lifetime of the "faithful and discreet slave" and by extension the governing body.

  • AnnOMaly

    There's one already up somewhere. I'll try to hunt it down ...

  • AnnOMaly

    Doh. You can get half of it here - - but the 2nd page doesn't show anymore.

  • AnnOMaly

    Having trouble re-doing the scans here. PM me with your email address and I'll send you them ... unless somebody else can post them ...


    What all of you should do is to identify the times we are living today . Is this time for the end for the present world order ? If so , who is contributing to the building of the Spiritual Ark of Salvation for a period of 120 years in the likeness of Noah's days- Matthew 24.37-39.

    You can go and check if it is true that we are in the endtime :

    Jehovah's Witness Online forum with its subforum :Conspiracy Theory,End of Times Predictions ,Jesus 2.0.

    Also go to google group alt.religion.jehovahs-witn and retreive my past posts.

    It can be easily done .Find my latest post with the author OBVES and click on " more options" and then on "find messages by this author".

    The latest understanding of the Bible is a new light as we can witness Daniel 12.4,9 in the fulfillment in our days.

    The chosen 144000 are all menservants of God Yahweh and Jesus Christ. There must be a remnant of them in the very endtime as Matthew 24.45-46 implies .They are feeding their flock. Luke 9.49-50 allows for one independent servant to coexist with the one small united group of servants.

    Notice that not a single woman should be among 144000 menservants. And most likely we are today close to the 7000 left of that class of 144000 men .The list was closed with the 11th hour which was 1984 AD -1991 AD counting from 1914 AD ; each hour as 7-year period.

    If you don't belong to Jehovah's Witnesses the only possibility left is to be in line with that one single independent servant which must be identified using proper calculations based on the Bible.

    1914 AD - 1918 AD - 1921 AD belongs to the International Bible Students who began building the Ark of Salvation in the endtimes.

    Then we have 1935 AD - 1939 AD - 1942 AD for Jehovah's Witnesses and then is the period : 1984 AD -1988 AD -1991 AD for a single independent servant .This is the 11th hour in the schedule as below :

    1914 AD-1921 AD-1928 AD-1935 AD-1942 AD-1949 AD-1956 AD-1963 AD-1970 AD-1977 AD-1984 AD-1991 AD-1998 AD .

    Just as we move our clocks for one hour we can add one year to 1998 AD and get 1999 AD.

    1999 AD + 12 hours ;each one as 1 year = 2011 AD and one hour extra : 2012 AD.

    1999 AD-2011 AD-2012 AD.

    Since the year 1991 AD not a single person could be added to work as a servant from the class 144000 in God's vineyard - Matthew 20.6-9.

  • bob1999

    Here you go. NOT.doc

  • Perry

    Unlike the Catholic Church which has no shortage of "mediators"....Pope, Mary, priests, saints etc. ... the WT. only has the "remnant" to mediate God's wrath on your behalf. So, they have to change their doctrinal timeline to accomodate the indisputable fact that the "remnant" (under the old timeline) are almost all dead, and hence the faithful have no mediator.

    For there is one God , and one mediator between God and men , the man Christ Jesus - 1 Tim. 2:5

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