The Memorial. A Primer for Beginners.

by LDH 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    I'm going to cut and paste this (my own thread) from ModernChat.

    I hope you'll enjoy it. Let me give it a try.

    Welly said,

    I've still never understood their 144,000 thing. But that's alright.

    That's just not many people at all.

    What happens to the non-144,000? Do we all burn in hell or something

    I replied:

    No, we get to pick through and clean the dead bodies of those that didn't subscribe to the WitchTower and aFake! magazine because Jehoober's gonna kill all of them.

    It should be some fun welly, less than 1% of the earth's population gets to clean up the mess left by the 99% who god slaughters.

    That's called the Thousand Year Reign. Hopefully you will have learned your lesson because after the TYR there's gonna be another slaughter of all those who perhaps began to doubt god's loving 'kindness.'

    Wanna come>?

    Welly then said:

    O.K. ... so ....

    All JW's that are not part of the 144,000 will be cleaning up the carnage of all people that are non-JWs?

    The souls of the carnaged, what happens to them? Do they cease to exist or do they burn in hell or are they raised again at the white throne judgment to then be sentenced to something?

    While all this is happening, what do the 144,000 do?

    On another note, how did one become one of the 144,000? I say "did" because I assume the class no longer has any vacancy?

    And finally I replied:

    JW do not separate body form soul. When body dies, so does soul.

    144,000 chose themselves. No shit. At the annual passover (JWs call it "memorial" --they just HAVE to have a different word for everything) they are the only ones allowed to take the bread and wine.

    Run down of Memorial:

    1. get dressed up.
    2. read somber biblical passages referring to the murder of Jesus.
    3. Go to the Kingdom Hall (not church!)
    4. Look around smugly at those that only show up once a year, because they got a 'repreive' --Jehovah didn't cause Armageddon YET, so they still have a chance, dumb asses! Since you go to the Kingdom Hall regularly, you are self-assurred of your salvation through Armageddon.
    5. Stare intently to see if anyone partakes.


    6. If anyone partakes under the age of 80, immediately to anyone nearby who is also trying to catch the eye of others. You just *know* that person is not truly of the annointed, because the JWs for YEARS preached that the only ones of the Annointed were those born far enough before 1914 to understand the 'biblical significance' of this date. That could only mean one of a couple of things.
    a. That person is certifiably insane, or old enough to be senile. They get a pass.
    b. A new person, learning to become a JW, gets overjoyed in the heat of the moment and partakes. They get a pass.
    c. That person is a GASP!!!!!! Apostate! This one really gets the eyes rolling and the tongues wagging.

    7 The annointed know they are annointed simply because they know. The rest of us know that THEY KNOW, and so defer to their much greater wisdom in these things.

    8. IF you are curious and foolish enough to actually ASK one of these old folks how they know they are annointed, they will tell you that JEHOVAH TOLD THEM.

    9. How come I don't get to be one of the annointed? Well, basically because you weren't born before 1935. At one time the JWs preached that we would be able to predict how near Armageddon was based on how FEW of the annointed were left alive on earth! Why, the bible told us that Armageddon would come before this generation of specially blessed folks would die.

    10. Scrap all that. As JWs nervously saw the news reports informing us that the WWI generation is dying by the second, and Armageddon is nowhere to be seen, the number of Memorial partakers has ODDLY hovered near 8,500 for almost 15 YEARS!!!!!!

    Hope you enjoyed this!

  • ex-nj-jw

    That was good LDH, pretty much sums it up!

    What's up, no JW's on modern chat to set you straight?


  • V

    More about the 2008 Memorial:

  • LDH

    V I really love the quality of your comments videos, thanks for taking the time to do them.

  • WTWizard

    You go basically to reject Jesus. You will not be partaking, and so you are rejecting the sacrifice.

    Which is all well and good--if you do not believe in dependence on his sacrifice for salvation or in original sin. However, if that's the case, then going to the REJECT Jesus Party would be a complete waste of your time and money.


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