Armageddon and Inward sins

by AuntBee 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • AuntBee

    Do JWs believe that one will be destroyed at Armageddon for inward sins, such as lack of love, unforigiveness, doing a 'spiritual' work from wrong motives ('to be seen of men'), lusful thoughts? Sins of omission, like not caring for the poor, not praying for one's enemies or rulers, not thinking of others more often and more highly than yourself?

    Are some sins higher up on the sinfulness list, in that only some are 'mortal' sins, and with others, you can still get by?

  • BluesBrother

    They believe that a person could be so judged - This part of a Kingdom Song comes to mind :

    "E’en though we had faith and knowledge,

    Gifts of tongues and prophecy,

    Yet if love itself were lacking,

    We would simply nothing be.

    2. We may spend much time in preaching,

    Persecution too endure;

    Yet what profit would it bring us

    If our motives were not pure?"

    It is a grey area. Just because a person were doing everything apparently correct there is no guaruntee of salvation. God could fid a secret sin and still finish you off, like Ananias and Saphira. I guess they take heart in Gods mercy and they pray hard....

  • AuntBee

    Yet what profit would it bring us

    If our motives were not pure?"

    Wow, that's heavy. I"m not sure if I've ever had a pure motive in my life. One completely free of self-interest. Having pure motives is a tall order for us humans.

  • hamilcarr

    Does 'thou shalt not covet' qualify as a possible inward sin that will be punished at Armageddon?

  • cawshun

    How about the commandment, Love Thy Neighbor as Yourself? It does not say, Love Your JW neighbor as yourself. They are breaking a commandment.

  • Marjorie

    How about the commandment, Love Thy Neighbor as Yourself? It does not say, Love Your JW neighbor as yourself.

    They even fail at that (Shunning, cliques, abuse of power, etc.).

  • WTWizard

    The witlesses believe that one can be destroyed if they do not do everything they can in field circus. If Jehovah looks back and He decides you could have put in a couple more seconds or you could have been a trifle more efficient, you die. If you have a bad thought toward anyone, you die. If you are grudging in field circus (that is, need prodding to do more), you die. If you have money that doesn't find its way into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, you die.

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