Don't know if this has been posted or not, but there's a new book out by an ex-Jehovah's Witness. It's entitled "The Kingdom Hall No More."
New Book by Ex-Jehovah's Witness
by Kenneson 5 Replies latest jw friends
is it self published did he get an agent who is his publishing house.
I'm still trying to get an agent for mine.
if you google the dream pushers you will see my blog.
wha happened?
Sounds interesting
Interesting that you mentioned this.
Yesterday I went back to the kingdom hall (different congregation) after some years because I was told that a long time childhood friend would be giving the talk and this sister - a long time grandmother figure for me - just knew what buttons to push so I gave in and said I'd visit. LOL
Turns out it was someone with a similar name so it wasn't him. We were all disappointed. But that's not the end of it. The speaker was so boring and parrotish using all typical clichés and shallow reasonings that I was starting to feel embarrassed FOR HIM! LOL All he needed to do to make himself look worse was to pick his nose on stage -- which he finally did at the end of his talk.
Not a total loss -- the entertainment value was worth it.
But what I noticed was the attendance -- not even half the hall was filled.
That was interesting. So maybe there is something with this book?
Rekless, these days you can publish anything you want on the Interent yourself via your own webpages. But if you want to make some sort of living, recognition, or both out of it you need to get it published in book form. If you fool around within the link above you'll see the publishers of this individual's book. I think you can check them out and see if you want to use them or get some other ideas of other publishers. I've heard there are many publishers who work in similar ways. Or if you have the investment, get the book published youself.
mates with LL Cool J according to his MySpace page ;-)