Look where I ended up LOL Cant speak the language at all & sure dont understand it LOL
For Spanish friends LOL
by mouthy 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
LOL. You are celebrity Mouthy!
Awesome and way to go, Hon!
according to a babel-fish translation:
By twenty-five years, I thought that it was serving to the unique TRUE God, Jehovah! Although my father was atheistic, my mother believed in God but never we did not pray, never we went to the church nor we went either to the dominical school until I turned 6 years of age. I lived in London, England. The war arrived when I was 12 years old and all the school was evacuated to Devon. I left the school to the 14 years and I went away to live to Surrey to work like nursemaid. I knew a Canadian soldier and to the 16 years of age I was pregnant. My family insisted on which he married with me. At that time, the Canadian government arranged that the marriages were carried out in the catholic church, or we would not be considered like married. So, we had the ceremony in the catholic church, although nonéramos catholics. I went victim of a bombing to the 9 months of pregnancy and consequently, my baby died three days after his birth. My mother put the name to him Fe Virginia, with the faith of which she would be virgin, unlike me. When I arrived at Canada like a “fianc2ee military” in 1946, I discovered that my husband had problems with the alcohol and the life was very difficult. When the witnesses of Jehovah were arrested in the door of my house (in Montreal), they caught my interest. They got dressed either, they spoke or, they were very friendly and they used its Bibles. Several months returned later, and after two years to study with them, I was baptized. I served in this religion by twenty-five years. Of everything what they taught to me, the unique thing that I did not think I was that Jesus had come from invisible way in 1914. Then, they informed us to the leaders to all in the Watchtower that WE HAD to think that Jesus came in 1914. I confessed that it did not believe in this, and they gave the left foot me (that is to say, they excomulgaron to me). It wanted to die! They threw to me of the Coffer (the unique true place in which there is security). I had turned to 10 people the witnesses of Jehovah, but nothing of this mattered to them. My husband used to strike to me so that I stopped being witness of Jehovah, but they already had said to me before my baptism that was going “to be persecuted” by my faith. After two years to be outside this SECT, I now went to the convention in Pensilvania “Witnesses by Jesus” (“Witnesses Now For Jesus”) and Jesus Christ found me there. Praised he is the Gentleman! By 18 years I was leader of a support battalion for ex--witnesses of Jehovah. Together we have spoken with more than 700 people, many of which now are free. To the 80 years of age, I am wishing to see the Face of my GENTLEMAN: The WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE!
ROTFL Thanks Branda that is NOT what I said But I guess it sounds that way in that language. My babys name was FAITH Virginia she was a GIRL NOT A HE....LOL I never referred to GOD as my Gentleman.. Oh well it just goes to prove when we translate something it doesnt come out as it was meant Thanks....
That is too funny! Señor can be "sir", "mister", "gentleman", or several other male honorifics.
I will have to go down to the local Mexican market and ask if the know Grace.
Buenos días, Señor!
Mi nombre es Graciela.
LOL Do introduce me to your market friends. Maybe they will donate some free blueberries LOL
LOL Do introduce me to your market friends. Maybe they will donate some free blueberries LOL
Not likely, but you can get a good deal on papayas and carne asada.