winter colds and flus apparently abound with everyone and so I would like to say GET WELL SOON and ((((WARM HUGS ALL AROUND))) BTW I was a JW for 40 yrs and a ex-jw now for 10 yrs..I would like to clarify that one thing..I have even developed a crush on one particular xJW (elder) and that can not be / ME!! And we even like each other !! I am going to give HIM a christmas present and see where it goes from there--GOD works in mysterious ways !!! TAKE CARE ALL
by QUEENIE 4 Replies latest jw friends
Queenie, where have you been for 10 years?
Hello Queenie,
Welcome to the world of the board from one 40 year oldster to another,goes to show its never too late to change.
Haven't I heard that before somewhere? -
individuals wife
On the subject of colds and flu ..... anyone got any good remedies for them? Colds in particular? I've got a sore throat tonight and an awful feeling I have one on the way, just got over one two weeks ago too . Got lots of shifts to do next week and need a good remedy to get me through it. Nothing alcoholic though. Don't want to be drunk in control of a bedpan....
I believe that a cold/flu first masses its forces in the throat.
Sucking a zinc/vitamin C lozenge can help. Vitamin C is used by the body to fight the virus (antibiotics are no use against a virus)and zinc is used to help the body assimilate the vitamin. I also believe that the zinc and vitamin combination helps to knock the cold a death blow before it gets established so reducing the length of time it takes a hold.