The movie about a baby born old and growing younger each year sounds silly, but the film pulls it off very well. Brad Pitt was good and I enjoyed the film. Cate Blanchet is brilliant, a very enjoyable thought provoking film.....did anyone else see it?
"The Curious case of Benjamin Button" -Brad Pitt was good!
by Witness 007 8 Replies latest social entertainment
I saw it and loved it! It's on my "personal all-time favorites" list.
Homerovah the Almighty
I saw and it and found it to be interesting and enjoyable and yes Cate Blanchete did a wonderful job again as she has to be one the best actresses working to day
and Brad Pit did a fine job as well.
A thought provoking movie. No matter which way we go at it - life - we still end up dying.
Well acted by all.
I was eager to see this movie; caught it last week. I kept getting a Forrest Gump feel. (Unusual character makes his way through life, living simpler than the rest, and we look in on his life lessons.)
Did I like it? Yes, but not as much as I thought. I'm a big Brad Pitt fan (Legends of the Fall, A River Runs Through It, Fight Club.) And while I didn't dislike his performance, I found it less engaging than other roles I've seen him in. I felt that anything especially interesting about his character could be attributed to work performed by the special effects people.
I don't mean to typecast Pitt, but I find him more interesting when he's not such a good guy.
you know it was a pretty good movie............ untill the end. if they just left it open where you didnt know what happened to him, or if they tied him directly to the clock and made him age normal after that was taken down.......... maybe. as it was............. UBER DEPRESSING. well acted through out, but the end put me off. i thought the decision to leave was just wrong no matter how they spun it.......... but the very end sucked badly. i had to start watching role models to try and get the bad taste out of my mouth.
I thought it was an okay movie. When it was over my wife was bawling like a baby... and she said the two women sitting next to her were even worse. Pitt looked like a real star. I think they CGI'd him as he got younger to get out the wrinkles collected from smoking. PG, I can't wait til "Role Models" comes out to rent, haven't seen it yet, looks hilarious.
one word or is that two.................... nvm
Gypsy Sam
Watching it now :)