The List by Prominent Bethelite

by TMS 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • TMS

    This list of failed Watchtower predictions came out when I was still a believer. "Prominent Bethelite" had a caustic personality as we still believing JW's tried to engage him. But his research was/is impeccable.

    Each quote from the Watchtower publications is followed by the specific source in brackets. The volume of silly Watchtower predictions over the years is staggering. Few current JW's are aware of any of these.


  • WTWizard

    And the list goes on. Your Deliverance Is At Hand--how many heard that theme in 2006? Well, it is 2 1/2 years after, and still no deliverance. And, how many people were told that the Waste of Paper Distribution Campaign in the fall of 2006, about the end of false religion at hand, was going to set off the Great Tribulation? And then they altered the prediction when it failed, erasing history of ever having predicted that it was an attempt to set off that Tribulation (and making it quite difficult for anyone to prove later).

    2007. It was supposed to have been the last REJECT Jesus Party. Again, it was only verbal (get a good look at the table; it could well be the last time you see it). I have heard the same thing verbally in 1989, but it meant nothing. Like 1989, 2007 was not the last--they had one in 2008, and they are looking eagerly at the 2009 REJECT Jesus Party (no sign of the end).

    2008. I can remember a lot of discussion that suggested that it was the end of the world. Just about all the time, the witlesses were suggesting strongly that we would not make it out of 2008. And here we are, in 2009, with no end in sight. It seems that this recent push of urgency has been against nothing.

    I can predict more bad prophesy. 2012 will be used (I am surprised that they haven't quit this crap of "at any second" and focused on 2012, or 2014, as the new 1975. Sell out, quit your job, and pio-sneer until October 2014. Then, 2015 is going to come in, and there will be another crop of witlesses deeply in debt with no way out, no job, and neglected health issues. For sure, they will blame the publishers for taking 2014 seriously. Repeat the process in 2034, using Noah's Flood and the 120 years he supposedly had with the 1914-2034 connection. Once again, 2035 will come and the witlesses will be left holding the bag.

    I wonder what the witlesses are going to do then, invent a new 1914?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I asked my mother "What prophesy did the WT make that ever came true?"

    "Jesus' return in 1914" she stated, confidently.

    Me, "In 1914 the WT taught that his return was in 1874!"

    JW Son in law, "That is correct."

    That was the end of that. I still hadn't learned that you must keep a JW on the subject at all costs.

    My family have very 'convenient' memories. Remind them of some stupid statement that the WT made 40 years ago and they know nothing about it. Try to show them a list of cock-ups and you are 'just looking for faults.' Never mind that they made life altering descisions on the basis of that doctrine. Never mind that I have photos of them wearing sandwich boards declaring the apocalypse.

    The only doctrines that make any sense to them are the ones that the WT makes now, except for one minor change that they have not accepted yet, the 1914 generation. That doctrine is so ingrained in them that even I cannot convince them otherwise, even with the help of a WT.

  • purplesofa

    Wow, pick a date, any date..........


  • Farkel


    Many of us thought "Focus" and "Prominent Bethelite" were the same person. I was able to email "Focus" several times and he claimed they were not the same. Their style and topics were almost identical, though. Then, POOF! They both disappeard!


  • TMS

    With the current thead by jwfacts about 1914, I wanted to resurrect the link to Prominent Bethelite's infamous "List" of Watchtower dates.


    My apologies. The link at he top no longer works. Here is a new link: list -of-false-dates-set-by- the -watch-tower&catid=4:prophecy-end-times&Itemid=708

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