Well, the year is nearly through and with Christmas nearly upon us it will soon be time to be thinking about those New Years Resolutions...
anybody got any thoughts on this yet? Any vices to shed? Any habits to get rid of? Any dreams to fulfill? Aims to achieve?
I think my list will go as follows...
1. Do my assignments as soon as get them, not waiting till the night before and then doing them in a panic...
2. Pack myself off with a healthy lunchbox everyday instead of chocolate spread sandwiches, chocolate cake, chocolate biscuits, chocolate milk... you get the general idea....
3. Get my kids to eat more fruit, even if I have to bribe them...
4. Mend the broken light fitting in the bathroom so I dont have to bath in the dark (only been broken for about 6 months.. lol , the romantic appeal of bathing by candlelight does wear off eventually!
5. Dust off the old sewing machine that was once new... and work out how to use the damn thing at last!
6. Have more fun more often!!!!!!!
Anyone else got any plans for 2002?