News from Jah Christian

by radar 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • radar

    From Jah Christian

    WATCHTOWER TV ADS TO COUNTER SILENTLAMB'S PEDOPHILIA SCANDAL: As Anew wrote recently the WTS may either be trying to "counter the expose' of their pedophile coverup policy which has destroyed so many children and families by running a TV ad in many areas that makes them look more pro-family, or, as Charles has noted here, they may also be using such ads to show NBC (or other ers who carry LDS ads) that if it does not run the expose it might be willing to buy paid-for ads -- a kind of carrot-and-stick approach. In either case they hope to counter some of the dramatic decreases going on worldwide in overall Jehovah's Witness membership statistics. Details on the ads first appeared on WOL (Witnesses On Line).

    Anew, commenting on also noted that "Maximus some months back alluded to just this sort of thing along with their starting to implement desperation moves to save money etc. And I had specifically mentioned it although probably in a different thread. The WTS apparently decided to not openly admit that they had an upcoming video/TV campaign and belt-tightening financial efforts in the works at the special meetings which were held for a handful of select congregations--these coming shortly after the-yearly-delegates meeting."

    The current "Watchtower ad is said to airing at no cost to the WTS in 20 states although there may be a focus in the Northeast USA around New York City. The 45 seconds ad shows 4 scriptures about Love, Love never fails being one. It shows a couple getting married and then a family around a campfire and then a couple walking down the beach. The end says: For more information call .... An 800 number.... "from the Christian Congregation of Jehovah Witnesses."

    "If the ad's results are positive, the WTS will air more. So it would be good for those who don't care for it to voice their displeasure that an organization with a policy covering up the rapes of children is getting free public service time on the air. For example if you are in the viewing area of WHTV UPN 18 (channel 5), then be sure to inform them of the material on the website and the Dateline NBC investigation of the child-rape policy."

    Anyone with an email list for TV channels across the USA should please email a copy to [email protected], putting "Watchtower Stuff" in the heading. The rigid WTS policy of shunning also destroys normal family ties even though at 2 Cor 2:6 Paul says only a "majority" (not all) in the congregation shunned a wrongdoer as he, Paul, had recommended. They have aired other items on public TV as well, for example on the blood issue. As said, the Mormons also have an extensive TV campaign.

    Charles believes that many TV channel managers would cease giving the WTS free air time and then the WTS would, since money is drying up, have to stop such advertisements. NBC Dateline may also be getting pressure from other churches like the Mormons who fear the exposing of the WTS's policy cold lead to similar TV documentaries about themselves! However we feel confident and there is no indication at this point that Dateline NBC will do anything other than remain firm and air the story. Still, pressure is mounting on everyone, even while children continue to be raped.

    NEEDS INFORMATION FROM EX-WTS MISSIONARIES, ZONE & OTHER SERVANTS: We would greatly appreciate it if readers such as former missionaries, zone and district servants etc would email us as to if they recall that Watchtower Society persons were given rides in helicopters or aircraft either owned by or used by the UN. Likely such usage would have commenced in the 1990s but there may have been some collaboration even prior to then. Why do we ask? Other persons like Hawkaw are working very hard to find this out one way or another, although regardless the major scandal is that the WTS condemned the UN while simultaneously being an NGO is association with the UN.

    GERMAN UN-WTS ARTICLE APPEARS IN ENGLISH: About 1998 Stephan Wolf first spotlighted the UN-Watchtower liason by a short article on his German language website although many others in 2001 also noticed and widely publicised the story in English to their great credit and the benefit of many. The following is a rough translation into English of what Stephan wrote:

    "Milton G Henschel travels with UN Diplomat Pass:

    As many contact persons have shared with us, Milton G Henschel, Present of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, possesses not just any normal traveler's pass like you and me but rather travels with a UN diplomat's pass. At least this is said to have been experienced by a Jehovah's Witness who served at the 1998 Convention in Munich as an attendant and was resposible for keeping unwanted persons from getting behind the stage area. He reported that he detained a person whom he did not personally know and asked for their identity. To his surprise the person he had met pulled out a UN Pass and let him know in so doing that he had made his acquaintance with the top
    President himself.

    This event is by itself notable in its differing from how the WTS has tirelessly painted the UN as part of Satan's system of things and
    compared it with the image of the wild beast.

    So it is that more and more reports are going around that the WTS, which is a religious community having "no part of the world," is not in strict tune with this. For example the WTS in 1997 was part of a group of US firms who traveled to China under the phoney umbrella name of "environmentalists" to get in as a worldwide religious publications empire (see the International rubrick). Also the ever clearer marching along with other sects, shows that the WTS is not
    what it likes to pretend.

    Distrust is also aroused in that special pioneers during the Cold War were selected allegedly to smuggle bibles into Russia. In regard to this it is also reported that the WTS in Germany shortly after World War II in Wiesbaden was granted a barracks and given a direct line to the American high command. Favors that were certainly paid back."

    From the second Stephan's story was first posted WTS heads in Brooklyn must have realized it would make its way into English. Active Christians (early name for Active Christians of Jah, or simply Jah Christians) put out some regular snailmail letters on the subject after which the WTS used Awake to print articles condemning the UN even while Awake continued using warm quotes from UN branches like UNESCO, UNHR, WHO, doubtlessly hoping against hope this would dissuade readers from believing the liason credible. However this was not to be for the story stayed alive and exploded when Randy Watters, Kent Steinhaug, Hawk, Mad and other webmasters looked still closer in 2001 and started coming up with verification from none other than the UN itself including a signed application by former Gov Body member Lloyd Barry, since deceased.


    Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams

  • anewperson

    Thanks for the post, Radar. I thought the news about the possible cure for breast cancer was also very interesting, but of course it did not bear directly on JW/ex-JW events except that some of us have such things to worry about more than others. Thanks, again.

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