Because wouldn't you think they would have tried to be an encouragement to the "lost sheep " of the family ?
We haven't seen them since July, and then this week I got a random email forward from one of them (I am guessing it was sent to us by mistake )
Anyways I decided to take the oppurtunity to send a short ,but friendly email back asking how they have been . i then sent several emails with picture of us and family on vacation . I did'nt hear any response so I sent out another email just to ask if they received my earlier emails . That was this weekend .Today i get this email back :
We got the pictures ok..thanks
WOW ...that's all you say to your family you haven't spoken with in 6 months ? you think they possibly are trying to let us know they are not speaking to us ?
Then Today on my other email account they sent a forward , it is of the YEAR TEXT over different views of the earth from space . However the text is in Russian or Greek (which we don't read ) how weird is that ...........