What if the WBTS asked for a government bailout?

by Quirky1 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quirky1

    Just a thought. With so many companies, organizations, etc.. asking for their part of the bailout just what if the U.S. religions did the same thing.

  • wobble

    When Chas Russell was in charge he used to say "When the money stops coming in we will know that the Lord wants us to stop"

    lets hope they stick to that idea,and then it won't be long before they are gone!



  • WTWizard

    Under Bush, that would never have happened. Bush would have had the sense to realize that religion is not that critical to the US (or any other) economy--if they go belly up, so what.

    Osama Obama, on the other hand, might just start taking YOUR money (taxes) to pay such bums to peddle their washtowels and wastes of paper. He might even decide that they "deserve" a bailout and just plain give them one (and hound congress to pass such a bill for a $700 trillion bailout for the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund). But I bet he isn't going to give any individuals any bailouts (or any small upstart companies--in fact, he will regulate them into jail for weakening his already established companies--companies that paid him millions to make sure that happens).

    I, on the other hand, would not bail out that parasite. In fact, I would start taxing the s*** out of all religions that believe in Original Sin. It is that concept that allowed these excessive regulations to start (because "we cannot lead ourselves"), which led to stagnation and corruption, undermined the economy and free market's ability to solve our problems, and led to mass suffering on a global scale. (And those religions had better hope I don't get in as leader of the New World Government--they would be taxed right out of existence for destroying value and leading to massive amounts of suffering).

  • blondie

    Have any nonprofit corporations asked for a government bailout or are eligible for one?

  • Clam

    Or maybe the WBTS could bail out the govt?

  • quietlyleaving

    If the WBTS want a bail out they are gonna have to go, cap in hand, to the catholic church

  • JeffT

    I think a gov't bailout of religion would run afoul of the 1st Amendment. The biggest opposition to school vouchers comes from people complaining that some of the money would go to religious schools. I can't imagine the outrcy over a bailout.

  • Dismembered
    Re: What if the WBTS asked for a government bailout?

    I'm hoping they'd be told to Gotahell.


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