Do they still do the Bible Highlights at the meeting?

by passwordprotected 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • passwordprotected

    Quick Question - do they still have a part in the meeting whereby 3 or so chapters of the Bible are discussed then there's chance for the JWs to give comments based on their study?

  • truthsetsonefree

    As far as I know Yes. That is what is covered first now in the TMS.


  • TheOldHippie

    It has been extended or "upgraded" in its importance; the school now consists of 10 minutes discussing the 5-6 chapters of the week with 3-4 minutes by the speaker and then 6-7 minutes by the audience, and then there are 3 talks, the first of which is a reading of parts of a chapter in the Bible, and then 2 talks based partly on the Reasoning book, partly on the Listening to the Great Teacher.

  • yknot

    In my hall so far.... we have had only comments like "I appreciate how scripture xyz assures us....." and others that deflect to other WTS publications. For instance (I kid you not) Brother Johnson* reflected how the Organization doesn't preach that Africans are decendents of Canaan because the INSIGHT books says so.........yet this dear Brother who joined the Society in '77 fails to know we did preach that from Russell and possibly until Knorr. I have only done rudimentary searching but I think the last mention is in 1929 and I am unsure of the reversal except that we are no longer teaching it by 1951 on the CD....... All the audience oohed and ahhhed at how 'wise' the servant is above the other churches and their scholarly clergy

    (*) names have been altered for my protection.

  • TheOldHippie

    It seems the Bible Highlights in the Syrian Arab Republic are somewhat special ..................

  • passwordprotected
  • WTWizard

    And of course, it is still biased by the Washtowel doctrine.

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