Philosophy 101

by patio34 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • patio34

    Hi all you wonderful people!

    I just watched Dr. Wayne Dyer on Public TV and loved the following point. It's not preachy, but an interesting philosophy I'd like to share. {:-D}

    It's based on the children's song, 'Row, row, row your boat.'

    Row, row, row your boat
    (YOUR boat, not someone else's, not a boat someone makes you row, but your own boat/life/dreams).

    Gently down the stream
    (Row your boat GENTLY at your own pace and go DOWN the stream, not fight it going up)

    Merrily, merrily, merrily
    (Be happy, enjoy the journey)

    Life is but a dream
    (Our lives should be a pursuit and result of our dreams)

    That's such a neat little philosophy rolled up in that song.


  • Joyzabel

    Thanks, Pat. I liked that, too. j2bf

  • larc


    I really like Wayne Dyer. I first saw one of his live presentations about 15 years ago. He was the guest speaker at professional conference. Somewhere around my house I have a tape of that presentation. If you email me, I could send you a copy. Also, I heard him present here in my home town to a small group of cancer survivors and their support group. He did that one for free. Last year, I contributed to PBS and got one of his video presentations. Yes, I am a fan of his.

    Thank you for sharing the simple, but powerful story with us. I remember the last thing he said on the audio tape that I have, "There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way."

  • patio34

    Hi J2bF,
    Thanks. Me too!

    Thanks for the story. He is very influential and inspiring.

    I was thinking that by leaving the WTS, there is a void i'm looking to fill. Since I no longer hold the WTS as possessors of truth and not even exclusively the bible, I'm going to look into 'philosophers' of modern times like Dr. Dyer, Deepak Chapra, et al. And read Walden's Pond, etc. etc.

    I know Jdubs would say "Man's wisdom!" But really, that's what it all is and ever has been, IMHO.

    Thanks for your kind offer Larc. I'll e-mail you and really appreciate viewing the tape.


  • SixofNine

    Here's a little of this man's "man's wisdom"; "until you understand that wisdom ages, you can never fully understand the wisdom of the ages."

  • Kristen

    Hi Pat,
    I enjoyed that philosophy—thank you. I found your thoughts about "mans wisdom" interesting and true. Where else are we supposed to turn to when we have no other choice? Sure, there are some obvious reminders in the Bible (like Proverbs), but even the Org has it's own brand of "wisdom", IMO.

    I've never heard of Dr. Wayne Dyer before and decided to go find his Web site

    There are some nice e-cards, quotes, and a few articles there that are pretty interesting. Thanks for sharing!

    The measure of your life will not be in what you accumulate, but in what you give away.

  • patio34

    Hi Six,
    Thanks . . . I think! Your posts are always unique and thought-provoking!

    Thanks for the link to that site--i didn't know about it. He's written many books and is a common-sense guy.

    Have a really terrific day!

  • joelbear

    Amazingly simple advice

    and a catchy tune to go with it.



  • DannyBear

    Even if you lose one or both of your oar's, the currents of the stream will still carry you to the destination....although the ride may be alot bumpier, and you may get stalled in a silent pool, along the journey. Your still in the boat.


  • SixofNine

    *witness version* *groan*

    And since you aren't having to row upstream, you can take the time to preach God's Kingdom with those who are.

    Sorry for ruining your thread, Pat btw, I think you've learned that wisdom ages from what I've read of your post.

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