I was just wondering have any of you ever had to deal with the death of a loved who was still part of the witness'? When ever I see a JW's obituary in the paper, every time at the end ,it always says contributions can be made to the Watchtower society. Do the elders get right to you to get you to put that in the paper when writing up the obituary or what? I statred thinking about my own mother who is still a Full believing witness even though she only goes occasionally. If she were to pass away I wonder if the elders would dare approach me about the whole contribution thing. She has never mentioned anything about it and she has no will. but do they try to get the living relatives to go along with the whole society contribution thing??
make your to society after a witness passes away
by annalice 2 Replies latest jw friends
Once a year there is an article in the Kool-aid edition of the WT about how dubs can contribute to the world wide work. There is also a brochure that they produce. Usually the article comes out November and is considered on the Service Meeting later on. Always dreaded getting assigned that part. I think I usually passed on it... but I dont remember anymore.
Elders who know that an elderly person has a sizable estate available usually takes extra good care of such ones knowing that they will contribute most if not all of their estate to the local kingdom hall..... they usually talk to the person so that the majority of the funds stay local rather than going to Brooklyn. Self-preservation and all. Takes the pressure off the elders to make up for any shortage in contributions to pay the light bill each month. Also gets new KHs and remodels.
It is what happened when I was an elder. I was local building chair for an upcoming remodel... I drug my feet on the project because we couldnt afford it in more ways than one. Some old sister died and left about $50K.... instant remodel fund. I was already out as LBC chair by then and soon after out as elder...full steam ahead to spend the newly gained funds.
What a waste.
Snakes ()