Anyone enjoy this show. It returned last week to start its new season. The other night when I was watching it It struck me how much the mormons act and dress(women) like JW's. The longer Iam away from the mothership the more my eyes are opened.
Big Love
by megaflower 4 Replies latest jw friends
Yep, quite a few fans on here.
It's a heck of a show, colorful characters, really well done.
I love it! Mega similarities...JW's and Mormons could be best friends. It's pretty cool when they mention names of towns you've been through and stuff...sammieswife.
I love that show. I'm gonna have to think about JW similarities the next time I see it. I don't generally think too much about the JW's when I'm not on JWN so I haven't noticed it.
Now I'm curious
Wife and I are both Ex Mormons and have recently gotten into the Big Love series. We enjoy it alot. Some things just couldn't accurately be brought into the series without removing sex appeal (think seeing hideous garments instead of bras/panties etc.) Other things don't quite jive like how Bill doesn't believe in "prophets", yet still believes he is eternally sealed to his wives. I have yet to meet a postmormon who believes the church is full of crap, but they will still be "sealed" in the hereafter.
We enjoy the show. It's therapeutic, despite the minor flaws.
Former Mormon