The Idea of Religious "Truth" and its Spiritual Merits

by AllTimeJeff 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AllTimeJeff

    I promise to try to keep this less wordy then usual. (I can't guarantee that I won't "quote" a lot though)

    Its a basic idea. Why worship unless you are right? Isn't the certainty involved in being the one true religion a heady feeling? They can't all be right! Otherwise, there is no such thing as truth... Or is that the case?

    Can "truth" exist for all despite so many "truth kiosks" selling you their version at the exclusion of the other?

    Truth is defined as "That which is considered to be the supreme reality and to have the ultimate meaning and value of existence. "

    I am not saying that "Truth" as defined above doesn't exist. I am one who believes that it is important for all of us to find and define our own personal truth. Even if for some of us, their "spiritual" decision is that there is no such thing as "spiritual truth".

    But look at the key words from that definition: Reality. Meaning. Existence. ....... oh yeah. ULTIMATE. Thats a heavy word.

    The premise of this definition of truth is to give meaning to ones life. That is the purpose. How many interviews did we all sit through at Assemblies and Conventions and listen to sincere people talk about how lost they were, how meaningless their life felt before this highly structured cult came and knocked on their door?

    Thats the catch. Remember the catch phrases? "This life isn't all their is! Life will be better. All you need to do is believe in Jehovah and do what we say. And knock on a lot of doors, selling our literature. Advertise Advertise Adverstise....." Ok, it basically turned into "Just advertise our current light, we'll let you know when it changes."

    I am reminded of Stephen Colbert's phrase. "Truthiness." It resembles truth, but isn't. Thats what most (all) organized religions offer. Not truth, but truthiness. Yeah, it even has an internet definition. (thank gawd for Wikipedia)

    Truthiness is a term first used in its current satirical sense by American television comedian Stephen Colbert in 2005, to describe things that a person claims to know intuitively or "from the gut" without regard to evidence, logic, intellectualexamination, or facts. [1] Colbert introduced this definition [2] of the word during the pilot episode of his political satire program The Colbert Report on October 17, 2005, as the subject of a segment called "The Wørd". Truthiness was named Word of the Year for 2005 by the American Dialect Society and for 2006 by Merriam-Webster. [3] [4]

    By using the term as part of his routine, Colbert sought to satirize the use of appeal to emotion and the "gut feeling" as a rhetorical device in contemporary socio-political discourse. [5] He particularly applied it to U.S. PresidentGeorge W. Bush's nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court and the decision to invade Iraq in 2003. [6] Colbert later ascribed truthiness to other institutions and organizations, including Wikipedia. [7]

    Colbert of course, using satire, is on to something. Truth that appeals to emotion and your gut isn't truth at all. Or at least, it shows that truth can't be institutionalized. Truthiness though, can.

    Thats the point. Truth is what it is, a device that hopefully helps us all to understand our own individuality and place in this world, a way to put context and meaning into our existence. That shouldn't be minimized.

    But is it possible to get the benefits of truth (meaning and purpose, peace in life) without the institutionalized truthiness that organized religion insists upon?

    I say it is. But only if you are willing to do your part. Truth starts with looking into the mirror, literally and figuratively, and seeing who you really are.

    This is just my opinion, and not meant to offend, but when you let your organized religion of choice tell you what truths you believe in, then you don't have truth. You have truthiness. (the kind of truthiness that Colbert was pointing to in all of his satirical splendor.)

    What if your religion pulls a fast one, and say that they are wrong? What if they pull a JW, and change their truth every other year? Where is the truth in that? You can only have truthiness. Vatican I? Vatican II anyone? The apology to Galileo?

    The point is, that institutionalized religions are at some point in their foundational core, all about the institution. It can't ultimately be about you. And if it is about them, they can never be about truth.

    Do you really think that god puts institutions over you? I can't bring myself to believe that. Do you think that the truthiness of organized religion (which at its core is all about them, not you) is more important then your personal truth? Would god agree that a religious institution is more important then its people?

    Calling organized religion "truth" may make you feel better if thats your thing. But just disagree with them. That will show off the truthiness quicker then a Britney Spears wax job.

    Find your truth, but make it your truth. Truth is all about your existence. God would want it that way. If God is worth anything, (and if she even exists) then she would absolutely put you, the individual, over the Savings and Loans of the truth business, organized religion.

    Unlike the meaning that JW's put into the phrase, you really are allowed to "make truth your own". Make it about truth, your truth, and not the organized religion behind truthiness.

  • Satanus

    So true. 'Know thyself', and you know the truth. Accepting truths from others, second hand truth ain't truth, it's like a chewed sandwich. Who needs previously owned truth. That is for children (yes, i was a child, once). Before we die, we owe it to ourselves to be totally honest w ourselves about ourselves.


    Ps, colbert is great. Is that really you, steve?

  • AllTimeJeff

    Ironically, it is me, Stephen Colbert. Yes, it may be hard to believe, but I used to be a JW! Then I switched teams and became a Republican... (jk)

    Funny, someone who was on this board and saw me at my JW worst when I first joined, PM'd me and said that at my absolute worst, I reminded him of Colbert, but without the irony. LOL. I couldn't disagree....

  • DoubleVision

    Do you really think that god puts institutions over you? I can't bring myself to believe that. Do you think that the truthiness of organized religion (which at its core is all about them, not you) is more important then your personal truth? Would god agree that a religious institution is more important then its people?

    I think the point you made (quoted) above is the key to freeing yourself from the artificial security of "truth"of an oganization.

    Thanks for the post, very good thought.


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