I have posted this on another forum as well. This thought 'dawned' on me and I would like to hear your take on it.
The Gilead school has a tour of the UN in the first week or two on the course. Thus entering a UN controlled bilding is not a problem, as being a member of the UN is not a serious issue. However you may not enter a church, synagogue, or other religous building etc. Organized religion should be avoided at all costs, and they reason that your business dealings with churches is a no-no. Emergency (plumber = burst pipe) help to a church is OK when no one else is available. But repair to roof, paint the building is out.
The United nations is a scary multi headed, evil looking freak of nature/monster that will devour and tear apart anything in its way. A pretty dangerous creature according to the WTB&TS. The rank and file is wise to avoid this thing.
On top of this beast, is organized religion (in the same vision) and is represented as a tipsy, 'drunk on blood' harlot that seems to be just about ready to fall off the beast she is so wasted. How dangerous could she be? A 10 year old could roll her into a ditch!
How come then the "stay away from false religion' thing is so prominent, but the obviously far more dangerous thing (beast) is ok to visit, enjoy quiet time with. In the belly of the beast so to speak you can relax with a good book.
Is it just me or is that a bit off?
Agent Smith
The Harlot and the wild beast
by AgentSmith 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Could it be that the WT thinks there is little danger of Bethel Boys being drawn to politics by visiting the U.N but that they or the rank and file coming into contact with members of B the G on a regular basis i.e work, may get to hear some truth,esp. about the Troof?
I wonder too if giving you the visit laid the groundwork for excusing the NGO status of the WT by showing the humanitarian works of the U.N,which works the GB would approve of, whilst contributing nothing towards.
Wobble (of the Super-cynical Class)
why do they tour the UN building?
Wizardca, A@G posted a clip about the Gilead course and what happens there. It looks like the class is taken out there to the "bad old UN" to show them what it looks like. Maybe it will be a 'before and after' thing when armageddon comes and the whole building gets sucked into a crack in the earth. Then they could say,"we remember when the wild beast stood where that big hole is now" A bit like when Korah got sucked into the earth http://bible.cc/numbers/16-49.htm
It must be a risk, as the UN could be destroyed at any second. So lets hope it does not happen while they are on tour and they are judged and destroyed for being inside the wild beast....
Agent Smith
Great point you have there. I would not see any reason for them to tour Saint Patrick's Catherdal, the "home" of Babylon the Great in NYC. I'm sure just being within its walls would feel so wrong. But touring the UN is just part of the usual class schedule.
aag....why did you tour the U.N...what reason was given?
Interesting angle Agent Smith. As with a lot of things Dubs do, it's possibly all about show. In other words they can go on and on about how they wouldn't go into a church because it's false religion™ but they can't really make a public point so easily by shunning the UN.
Come come...The Dubs do NOT object to visiting inside a church for sightseeing...I went to the Moscow Assembly in the 90's with the WT charter..we were ESCORTED around a blooming great cathedral inside the Kremlin. It was kind of creepy with fusty old icon images and rather dark inside - looked better from the outside though , with gold minarets.
The dubs that I know have no qualms about walking about in a cathedral, as long as they are not having to pay any money to"donate to Bab the Great"...of course..
As for the U N Building? When I visited N Y back in the seventies, another WT charter party, a group of us did the tour of the U N Building and thought nothing of it, we were just sightseeing . I think a lot of the delegates toured the building.
So, there is no restriction on visiting these buildings, just as long as you don't pay money or kneel down and pray !