Bound Volumes aka Garbage

by Free 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Free

    Holy shit , I haven't been here for some time. I recently moved and finally tossed out about 500 lbs of Watchtower/Awakes and Bound Volumes going back to the 50's .This Sister unloaded them on me before she moved and at the time I thought they were like somekind of holy writings. I kept a couple of the old ones so I can use them to start fires in my new place. I can't believe I held on to them as long as I did.

    What a pain in the ass those huge boxes were, Always getting in the way and for what ? I faded from this cult some 4 years ago and held on to them like God was going to ask for them back. I never quite knew why they always encouraged you to get them and to start your own library.

    Anyway, I was just checking out the updated fourm and thought someone may get a laugh out of it. This Cult kinda F'ed me up for a while and I have finally moved on to the real life. It's no picnic having the pain of waisted time on your hands but I feel it could of been worse. I'm still on the good side of 40 and hopefully have at least 40 more to go.

    This place was a turning point in my recovery and I like to say hello every once in a while. So Wazzzzzz up.

    Ride on


  • JimmyPage

    Is there a greater joy in life than to burn WT litera-trash?

  • AllTimeJeff

    Ironically, I would make a small wager that the Governing Body would love to burn a lot of old WT volumes too....

  • LockedChaos

    In the immortal words

    of The Who

    I'M FREE- I'm free,
    And freedom tastes of reality,
    I'm free-I'm free,
    AN' I'm waiting for you to follow me.

    If I told you what it takes
    to reach the highest high,
    You'd laugh and say 'nothing's that simple'
    But you've been told many times before
    Messiahs pointed to the door
    And no one had the guts to leave the temple!

    I'm free-I'm free
    And freedom tastes of reality
    I'm free-I'm free
    And I'm waiting for you to follow me.


    How can we follow?
    How can we follow?

  • QuestioningEverything

    AllTimeJeff- you are so right about that. LOL


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