Doctrinal Changes? Really? Are You Kidding?

by metatron 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Let's look at some recent examples: the March '09 Awake for example - "Is Money Your Master or Your Servant"? You might be tempted to think that some tiny crumb of logic might slip into WatchtowerLand , what with slipping contributions and cutbacks but you would be wrong!

    "Blessings Without Higher Education" "We never encouraged the children to pursue higher secular education."

    Or the March 15 Watchtower page 16 "The Age of Turbulence Began" all about 1914. Or emphasis on the "ministry" ( you know, that precious work of "counting time" and shuttling from one end of the county to another while talking to no one) "How Can You Endure in the Ministry?"

    You see, no doctrinal change is necessary when you are leading a group of people who are carefully schooled in non-thinking ability. Example: page 21 of the above Awake "Any effort by people to correct society radically will be unsuccessful ( quoting Jer. 10:23)" REALLY?!!! Yes, that's right, "doom and gloomers", that's why in the US , we still freely lynch Negroes! They aren't permitted to look at our white women and must step off into the curb when we pass. Civil rights don't exist, South Africa hasn't changed and a black man for President? You must be hallucinating!

    But let's not stop there! The Feb 1 Watchtower informs us in bold type, in a separate box, that God has " a figurative house, or dwelling place"and also that He is an "actual Person living in a specific location". So, you, see He lives in a specific place in a non-literal(non specific )house. (I guess) . Literal when they want it and otherwise if it sounds better.

    Doctrinal Changes? We don't need no 'stinkin' doctrinal changes! If they're all willing to shift into the mindset of a three year old kid on command, then why change anything? Who needs logic or facts, anyway? It's all "truthiness"!

    By all means, prove me wrong here. Introduce some subtlety that overcomes the zombie-like lack of cognition that is central to being a loyal Witness.


  • WTWizard

    The core doctrine is the same as all "Christian" denominations: We were born with inherited sin, and Jesus' death provides the means to cancel out that sin.

    Beyond that, the witlesses deviate radically from what the Bible says. They tell people that, in order to benefit from this sacrifice to cancel out sin (to which nothing ever need be added?), you have to obey the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger that runs the show. Whatever they say, you need to do quickly. Otherwise, that ransom sacrifice will not apply in your case. And of course, field circus is a core part of that.

    The core doctrine will never change. However, the details are continually changing. And you need to keep up with the details (it's part of the requirement to benefit from that sacrifice "to which nothing ever need be added").

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I don't really grasp what you are getting at Metratron. What are those examples meant to be of? Too rambling and incoherent to offer any decent response, sorry.

  • stillajwexelder
  • stillajwexelder

    "Any effort by people to correct society radically will be unsuccessful ( quoting Jer. 10:23)" REALLY?!!! Yes, that's right, "doom and gloomers", that's why in the US , we still freely lynch Negroes! They aren't permitted to look at our white women and must step off into the curb when we pass. Civil rights don't exist, South Africa hasn't changed and a black man for President? You must be hallucinating!


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I am astonished that the answers given still show the support for the Watchtower doctrine of a linear progress chart for mankind. It doesn't work that way and we know it. It isn't getting better or worse, its simply getting different for now. Things change, that we can be sure of. Better or worse? For some I suppose. Nothing is at all permanent. One day they will supress and hate all people of blue eyes for some dumb reason and those previously suppressed will join the fight. It's the human condition. Sorry. I don't buy into the progress theory as if mankind were one unit. W.Once

  • yknot

    Now, now the WTS is a personality driven organization.

    Ted is attempting a clampdown (albeit less successful then the era of R.Franz)

    Those who are in the GB wings see the numbers and donations dwindling. Thus doctrinal slight of hand will be needed in the information age to gain converts and to hopefully motivate frustrated younger ones to start donating and doing real FS.

    So far what I have noticed is high control rhetoric but shifting structure.

    There are not enough poor and uneducated countries to make up for the financial losses in Westernized revenue.

    The WTS has a history of placating it's old leaders until death (or terminally infirmed).

    All this 1914, 1918-1919 old re-hash crap is music to the older ones who were so shaken by the generation change, thus increases the chance of them leaving estates to the WTS.

    However a word of warning to Bethel Lurkers...... too much of this will drive out your younger crowd who is already pissed off at YOU!

    It is only the changes that are keeping reformers appetite but too much carrot dangling will turn that zealous crowd into apostates in the twinkling of an eye.

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