The Cookie Monster has found Paradise.

by is there help out there 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • is there help out there
  • is there help out there
    is there help out there

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    Posted Wed, Jan 28, 2009, 4:45 pm PST POST A COMMENT ยป

    When did cookie shopping become so complicated? A recent stroll down the cookie aisle at our local supermarket left us floored, literally. We sat down and stared up at row upon row of double-stuffed, double-dipped treats laden with chips, chunks, fudge, frosting, raisins, rainbow sprinkles. What used to be one type of Oreo has turned into nearly a dozen. Cookies come in full-size, snack-size, over-sized, and everything inbetween. What's a sugar addict to do?

    To find the best supermarket chocolate chip cookies, we put eight widely-available brands to the test. So, forgive us if we left off your local favorite. We gathered a group of cookie junkies to analyze these luscious calorie bombs like they were priceless truffles...

    Truth be told, nothing we tasted came close to our moms' fresh-out-of-the-oven homemade. But for times when mom isn't around and cravings call, here are our rankings from yummiest to least satisfying...

    • #1 Brent & Sam's A delicious case of less is more. These thick, crunchy goodies are less sweet and less processed tasting than other varieties. With good texture and rich chocolate flavor, they tasted closest to the "real thing." We had trouble stopping at just a few!
    • #2 Health Valley Mini Chocolate Chip Cookies Buyers beware! These unbelievably tasty little delights are addicting. They may be mini in size, but the taste is max. They're so irresistible we even find ourselves snacking on them first thing in the morning. After all, they do have "health" in the name...
    • #3 Newman's Own Organics Champion Chip Cookies(in Chocolate Chip) These mighty bites of heaven prove that organic can easily be delicious. Like Health Valley, these are very small. The taste is good and medium sweet, with a distinct nutty flavor. They're a bit light on chips, but satisfying nonetheless.
    • #4 Pepperidge Farm Chocolate Chunky Dark Chocolate Satisfying, natural tasting, crunchy, and B-I-G; we loved these cookies. For a mass-market brand, Pepperidge Farm surprises us with its mouthwatering goods. And the dark chocolate gives an extra indulgent kick that got us hooked.
    • #5 Chips Ahoy White Fudge Chunky Chips Ahoy have long been a favorite of kids. They're good, but not designed for the cookie connoisseur. This particular variety contained chocolate chips and white chocolate chunks, which overpowered the other flavors. Crunchy and sweet with a processed, sugary aftertaste, these will always be a hit with the kiddos after school. But for adults, stick to more "grown up" brands.
    • #6 Mrs Field's Semi Sweet Chocolate Chip They're super chewy, soft, and moist. But in the end, they taste more like cookie dough than baked cookies, and they left a malty, bitter, processed aftertaste that didn't sit well with us.
    • #7 Kashi TLC Oatmeal Dark Chocolate Chewy and loaded with chips, but after a few dry nibbles, we began to wonder if "sawdust" might be one of the ingredients. That said, one of the "tasters" in our group dove in with great zeal and took the box home with her!
    • #8 Keebler Chips Deluxe Soft & Chewy Apologies to those cute little elves, but these ranked the lowest on our scale. They were dry and tasted heavily processed. Heavy overtones of vanilla were inviting, but other than that, no flavors that tickled our taste buds.
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