Assorted fundie christian nonsense part I

by expatbrit 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit

    Here, for your amusement, an assortment of fundie nonsense gleaned from the wonderful wide web:

    Everybody Jesuit now:

    Did you know that the "Fruit of Islam" is a Jesuit group; Jesse Jackson is a Jesuit; Georgetown University is a Jesuit military fortress; George Bush junior and senior are Jesuits; the Nazis were Jesuits? They're all Jesuits, every single last one of them. Don't you feel left out?

    Jesus is gonna get that wascally wabbit:

    Some Christians, ever jealous of anything that might usurp attention from their precious savior, even when its a pagan bunny that's been made into a mascot for messiah's painful death, came up with a top ten list of reasons why Jesus is better than the rabbit. Jesus will never be as delicious as a chocolate bunny, these Christians concede, but he makes up for it with his crucified niftiness. The number one reason on the list is, "rabbits twitch their nose; but Jesus arose!"

    Do it yourself exorcism:

    Haven't you ever had a bout of demonic possession, only to find there are no priests, or anybody else to do an exorcism? You'll never have that problem again! Just read Bill McGinnis' specially formulated prayer out loud to yourself, it will be "the same as if [Bill] were [sic] there in person with you." If that didn't do the job, you can try another extra-powerful "spiritual warfare" prayer. But be warned, McGinnis says it's "like using a nuclear weapon in a war."

    Exorcism is for pussies:

    This is a page with instructions for a basic exorcism, but the really interesting part is the "recipe" for seeing a demon. To sum up the process, feline body parts are refined into an eye drop. The site warns, "it is illegal and inhumane to kill a cat and it is very dangerous to your eyes. You could go blind."

    Stop N*SYNC living N*SIN:

    Somewhere, a little girl lost her faith. She used to believe them, she used to love them, but now they're tearing her apart. It's their crotch-grabbing dance moves and "dirty pop" lyrics, that takes the joy out of N*SYNC for one little Christian girl. Won't you please sign this petition to get the troubled "boy band" back on track, so they can make Ally happy again?

    Emails from heaven:

    The truly thoughtful Christian knows, in the event of his sudden disappearance at the rapture, his less faithful friends and family will wonder where he's gone. Now he can do something about it. Rapture Letters is a service that lets Christians sign up their pals to receive an automated E-mail message after Jesus beams them up to starship heaven. The message will explain the whereabouts of the truant Christians, and directions to get there. What better way is there to witness to the unbelievers than with an E-mail and a pile of rumpled clothes on the ground?

    More will follow, if I can stop pissing myself.


  • outnfree

    WHERE do you GET this stuff?


    (Come on into chat, you bum! )


    When the truth is found to be lies
    and all the joy within you dies ...
    -- Darby Slick, Somebody to Love

  • wallaby jack
    wallaby jack

    thanks expat,

    LOL. .. those was almost as funny as Landover Baptist Ministries where Sister Taffy rages against tampons being the devils work etc... So what happens once i've stuffed my cat and cornered my demon?


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Yesterday I got an Email invite to attend an "exciting discussion"
    in the Church of Yahweh chatroom.
    Waddaya think? Should I go or will I regret it?

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Perhaps you could lay your 'mode of belief' on the line here and open you, and it, to critisism that would include the various, nefarious scorpions that crawl from the same rock as you?

    Nitzke: God is dead.
    God: Nitzke is dead. LOL (But his soul lives on in whatever chamber that God chose for him.)

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Your analogy is really stupid. You equate all Christians with fringe extremists. That would be like me castigating all normal Canadians because of you, for instance.
    By the way, your pic kind of reminds me of how the South Park cartoonists portray Canadians. LOLOLOLOLO

  • expatbrit

    Hey Rexie:

    Here's one that might come in handy for you and the missus:

    The orgasm as spiritual warfare:

    The devil loves it when women fake orgasms. Why? It's because real orgasms can stop demonic invasions. It seems that while Jesus is coming for you, you have to come for Jesus first. And faking orgasms, ladies, may leave you open for Satan!


  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    In thinking about the immortal soul: it seems to me as if it will have no reason to sleep or become unconcious. Think of that one; never, ever sleeping or having rest, having full knowledge that you 'blew it' and being sorry for every blasphemy you ever spake, yet being unable to do anything about it...for an eternity.

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    So, tell me, Extra-brit: Do all Canadians pronounce words like 'out' as 'oot'? How many more 'red herrings' generalizations, that sweep in all fringe extremists with real Christianity do you have?

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