Stimulus Watch

by frozen one 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    Has your city put in for any stimulus money for "shovel ready" projects? Here's a site to answer that question. My city submitted requests for $413,263,980 which works out to $4,500 for every person who lives here. Streets, windows, paint, flooring, a transit facility...there should be a TV show called "Extreme Town Makeover."

  • purplesofa

    Doorbells Laurel MS2 jobs $99,600Housing vote ratio -1360

    How can you spend almost $100,000 on doorbells, 2 jobs in Laurel MS

    this thing is a joke right?

  • leavingwt

    Hey, my mom is from Laurel, MS! Those people need a living wage! This is MS, the poorest state in the Union.

  • purplesofa

    Well, make sure she has a damn doorbell, will ya???

    I see it is not a joke,

    UPDATE*** According to the Laurel, MS paper... this is actually a safety issue. Looks like FOX didn't do any checking on this. Yes, they want to add some doorbells to the units for the ELDERLY residents. BUT it also adds reverse doorbells... a system where the elderly can "ring" someone from the inside in an emergency. Makes more sense now.

  • leavingwt

    Well, nothing surprises me. We do have our share of corrupt politicians. You'll recall that Trent Lott's brother-in-law was recently convicted of bribing a judge, I believe it was.

  • BurnTheShips

    I hear that the package is going to create jobs.

    At 275k per job.

    Maybe they should just give the money away. I would keep people employed with my $275,000.

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    Of the thousands of t-shirts I own, "I Support Single Moms" is my favorite.

  • Snoozy

    Honest to that for real?

    The outrage of it all..I just can't believe that.. no way tell me it is all a joke..please...Doorbells?


  • BurnTheShips

    Looks like the Dems are going to take the stank out of our well water over here.

    Cool. But I live on my own well, and I don't smell the dissolved sulfur anymore.

    I want to submit a request.

    Can I has PS3?


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