Now that's a hell of a thing:

by SixofNine 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    Man who beat civil rights leader, John Lewis, asks forgiveness

    WASHINGTON (AP) - Elwin Wilson was an unabashed racist, the sort who once hung a black doll from a noose outside his home. John Lewis was a young civil rights leader bent on changing laws, if not hearts and minds, even if it cost him his life.

    They faced each other at a South Carolina bus station during a protest in 1961. Wilson joined a white gang that jeered Lewis, attacked him and left him bloodied on the ground.

    Forty-eight years later, the men met again _ this time so Wilson could apologize to Lewis and express regret for his hatred. Lewis, now a congressman from Atlanta, greeted his former tormentor at his Capitol Hill office.

    ``I just told him that I was sorry,'' Wilson, 72, said in a telephone interview Wednesday as he traveled home to Rock Hill, S.C. For years, he said, he tried to block the incident out of his mind ``and couldn't do it.''

    Lewis said Wilson is the first person involved in the dozens of attacks against him during the civil rights era to step forward and apologize. When they met Tuesday, Lewis offered forgiveness without hesitation.

    ``I was very moved,'' said Lewis. ``He was very, very sincere, and I think it takes a lot of raw courage to be willing to come forward the way he did. ... I think it will lead to a great deal of healing.''

  • SixofNine
  • BurnTheShips

    He realized the error of his ways.


  • cameo-d

    Reminds me of this scene in Flatliners...

    the memories come back of how he tormented this little girl in school and the memories would not leave he looked her up to apologize for his racial bigotry.

  • UnConfused

    Nice that a man's heart could be improved and his conscience helped it along. Interesting that all these years later Lewis is the Congressman representing many whites

  • truthsetsonefree

    Perhaps one day many elders will do the same to all those they have hurt. Ditto for the GB, though that will probably happen along with pigs flying and hell freezing over.


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