Unique HK article on Jws, plus posted comments:
Hare Krisna Tours OzBethel With Perspective On JWs
by MadApostate 8 Replies latest jw friends
Very interesting. Thanks for posting that, MA.
In the article, the guy states that the magazines now only cost 10 cents to produce. I wonder who told him they cost 10 cents to produce?(before the "donation" arrangement was brought in 2 years ago, the mags cost 40 cents each.)
Informative article though. It took me back to the many times I toured Bethel.
... Surely we could distribute more than 40,000,000 of Srila Prabhupada's books and magazines a month if we actually made that our main business? I am convinced we can do it... And it will change the world...
Change the world!...I suspect, per capita, Jehovah's Witnesses are second to none when consuming wood pulp, and there’s no independent evidence their corporation having made a significant dent since their inception.
Perhaps the author is referring to the 'world' his or her hierarchy lives in and one day being able to afford as much real estate as well.
I swear, Jehovah God and his other ‘Buddha Buddies’ would be total losers if they didn’t have bank accounts at Chase Manhattan.
Just another Org to help destroy the rainforests.
Thanks to all for quoting some of excerpts. When posting the link, I really didn't have time to pull out the interesting tidbits, but I found this article to be very intersting, while presenting a very unique perspective.
The article and comments are well worth reading, and this is from someone who never reads anything about/from HKs, but for some reason allowed this webpage to catch my attention.
I wonder who told him they cost 10 cents to produce?
Here is the quote from the article:
So the magazines cost well under 10 cents each to produce...
It is not generally known amongst Australian Witnesses that there was a disparity between the cost of producing the magazines and the contribution asked from the public of 40 cents per copy. Of course, this is before the donation arrangement. Nevertheless, generally Australian Witnesses believed that they were obtaining the magazines at cost from the Magazine Counter at the Kingdom Hall. Indeed, many Witnesses used to offer the magazines to householders with the comment that they could be obtained for 40 cents per copy "to cover printing costs".
It would surprise them to know that the fact of the real cost of the printing of the magazines was much less than they were being offered for at the doors.
The figure of 10 cents per copy being the actual cost of producing each copy of the magazine seems a little exaggerated from what I recall from my spell at the Australian Bethel. It does, however, confirm that the cost of printing is much lower than most Witnesses here would imagine.
Thus, it has been the subject of some criticism against the WTS that they are a publishing corporation operating at a profit. If this be so, then there is some justification for the government imposing a tax on these profitable sales.
"It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."
Anonymous -
Will Power
Excellent point made in this article:
"It is quite bewildering to me. In many ways they (JWs)are preaching the same thing as the atheists. The atheists claim there is no life after death. They claim one simply dies. The witnesses agree. The atheists claim there is no eternal soul. The witnesses agree. The atheists claim there is no Hell, the witnesses agree. The atheists say everything happens by chance and there is no karma involved in any suffering we may experience. The witnesses agree... "
This should be in their commercials!
is this disturbing to anyone else? i wonder how far along they are in transition. here it is from Oct.
. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=13696&site=3
The Great and Powerful Oz
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
Wow! Have you read the comments from readers on that article? I hate to admit it, but I actually shuddered when I read the posts by those two Krishna followers (? terminology?).
I'd cut and paste some of it but I haven't got time at the moment.