jw's idea of 'the good news'

by carla 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • carla

    A poster from another board pointed out this wt quote below, credit to john653. Shouldn't jw's be counted in those who 'oppress' their fellowmen? They certainly fit the description of oppressing their own people. Their idea of what the 'good new's' is found where in the bible?

    adj 1: wrongfully subjugated and oppressed [syn: downtrodden, persecuted]
    2: burdened psychologically or mentally; "laden with grief";
    "oppressed by a sense of failure" [syn: laden]

    Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

    Oppress \Op*press"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Oppressed; p. pr. &
    vb. n. Oppressing.] [F. oppresser, LL. oppressare, fr. L.
    oppressus, p. p. of opprimere; ob (see Ob-) + premere to
    press. See Press.]
    1. To impose excessive burdens upon; to overload; hence, to
    treat with unjust rigor or with cruelty. --Wyclif.

    For thee, oppress[`e]d king, am I cast down. --Shak.

    Behold the kings of the earth; how they oppress Thy
    chosen ! --Milton.

    2. To ravish; to violate. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

    3. To put down; to crush out; to suppress. [Obs.]

    The mutiny he there hastes to oppress. --Shak.

    4. To produce a sensation of weight in (some part of the
    body); as, my lungs are oppressed by the damp air; excess
    of food oppresses the stomach.

    On page 32 in the FEBRUARY 1, 2005 Watchtower magazine article entitled “Keep on the Watch” we read that for over 125 years now, this journal, The Watchtower, has passed on Jesus’ encouragement to “keep on the watch.”
    As stated on page 2 of this magazine, “It keeps watch on world events as these fulfill Bible prophecy. It comforts all peoples with
    the good news that God’s Kingdom will soon destroy those who oppress their fellowmen and that it will turn the earth into a paradise.”

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    You touched on one of Key questions I like to ask JWs. What so "GOOD" about your "Good News"?

  • Ténébreux

    Their idea of what the 'good new's' is found where in the bible?

    Well the bit about God's Kingdom getting rid of those who oppress their fellowman is basically the good news that Jesus taught. The kingdom of the heavens is at hand, blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth, and all that. Matthew 5.

    But I don't know how the JW version of that is meant to comfort "all people", when their belief is that all those people (oppressors and oppressees alike) are going to be destroyed for not being JWs!

    I'm not sure I'd accuse them of oppressing anyone but themselves, but on the other hand declaring everyone except themselves to be wicked and worldly doesn't sound very meek to me.

  • garybuss

    Jehovah's Witnesses' religious/political agenda is no different from the Muslim concept of Jihad, or Holy War. Jehovah's Witnesses is a political party obsessed with overthrowing competing governments.

    The Watch Tower Publishing Corporation's message is certainly changing. In the 50's the target market was the general public and the Society used the Witness people to warn the public that the public was in danger. Now the Society uses the Society to warn the Witness people that the Witness people are in danger.

  • cyberguy

    Oh yes! God will “solve all mankind’s problems very soon now!” How? By getting rid of “all mankind!”

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