Before 1935 JW had believed in the heavenly life for all JWs after their death. How did they explain bible verses referring to the earthly life in the paradise (e.g. Isaiah, Revelation) ??? Which articles are describing it?
Doctrine about the paradise on the earth before 1935
by zakheyold 2 Replies latest watchtower bible
Can't point you to any articles, but from what I recall...
There were 2 heavenly classes, the 144,000 "kings and priests", and then the other sincere Christians who weren't quite good enough.
Then for the earth, for one thing, the view of Armageddon was much milder than it currently is. The battle would result primarily in the death of political and military personnel, as well as other generally nasty folk. But there would be millions ("millions now living will never die!") who would survive, even though they were not actively worshipping Jehovah at the time. They would be the ones to enjoy paradise on earth.
Of course, as time went on, "Judge" Rutherford's view became harsher and harsher. Current JWs have inherited his likely-alcohol-induced dark visions of a fiery apocalypse killing 99.9% of the world's population.
Jews and non-JW Armageddon survivors. The prophesies in Zechariah and Trito-Isaiah were taken literally, e.g. the nations of the earth would be ruled from Jerusalem, the world's capital, by the "princes" of old who would govern in harmony with Christ Jesus ruling in heaven. I have a collage of newspaper articles made by WE Van Amburgh covering all the "Millions Now Living" talks he made, and there are headlines like "Predicts Boise Residents Will Know Abraham" and "Christmas For a Thousand Years". Armageddon wasn't conceived of as the wanton slaughterfest it is regarded today, that is until Rutheford took a darker view in the 1930s. Living through Armageddon then became a property of only those who professed the JW faith (i.e. the Jonadabs or "great crowd"). If all the survivors were people who attached themselves to the organization, then everyone else by default must die.