Sick! How many million worldly babies and children will be killed by Jehovah?

by Witness 007 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Offically babies and children will be destroyed with worldly parents at Armagedon.......sick! What a kind and loving God! Imagine a frightened 6 year old holding her parents hand while Jehovahs fire-ball destroys them. Why? Because their dad closed the door on the Witnesses one Saturday. As a Servant/Pioneer I had a Sisiter with an un-believing son, crying telling me she wanted her Grandchildren to live, not be killed at Armagedon....what can you say to that?

  • penny2

    I don't know what to say, 007.

    Looking at the footage of the fires in the last week, with "only" 181 killed so far, imagine what Armageddon would look like!


  • Robdar

    Good question.

    Here's another good one: I wonder how many "worldy babies" will be killed by their mothers (abortion) each year?


    How many million worldly babies and children will be killed by Jehovah?".......If the WBT$ is correct.....All of Them!..

    ..Baby 3Baby 3Baby 3Baby 3Baby 3Baby 3.....................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • Snoozy

    Every time I hear about a Armageddeon I think.."How is that so different than a nuclear bomb?"

    Think about it..some may survive and they will have to clean up the earth..and many will be, women and children.

    Everything starts all over again..there will be no more war because it is still fresh in everyones minds..but then thousands of years later Or 1,000. years later someone decides they want to fight..they want to be number one..small wars start all over again..God isn't doing it Man is..

    But I am sure many will bow their heads and give thanks to a god for letting them survive his enormous destruction of mankind and think they are the blessed one..

    Snoozy..and my idea of "Armageddon"...

  • JimmyPage

    Didn't a recent thread put the number of babies at 700 million?

  • oompa

    it would be sick but we all know he already has mastered baby killing in the OT..........the dudes got skills.............oompa

  • hamsterbait

    Jimmy Page -

    I posted the 700 000 000 figure. The world population increases by 70 000 000 a year. That means that 700 000 000 children under the age of 10 will be killed,

    350 000 000 youngsters between the age of 10 and 15

    210 000 000 between the ages of 15 and 18.

    In other words One thousand two hundred and sixty million minors are to be slaughtered.

    ( One billion two hundred and sixty million)

    What disgusted me in the thread I posted was how some posters justified it.

    Wait - wait!! 1 260 X 2 is 2 520 - a biblical Witchtower number. it must be true!


  • hamsterbait

    I fthere is any type of problem, the Witchtower says Jehoobie will solve it by just killing EVERYBODY involved.

    He has a proven track record - even slaughtering oblivious innocents working in the fields at his whim.

    Reminds me of the Chinese Government...


  • glenster

    The God of the Bible isn't meant as a concept of an all-beneficent God, just
    love as it's found in Him. To be credible, the God concept has to be reconciled
    with the seeable touchable world. A bigger concern than deaths in battles or
    such is that an all-beneficent God would have everyone live forever in heavenly
    circumstances, which wouldn't be credible. The God of the Bible has everyone
    die and didn't need to have it that way.

    An early example of the Bible dealing with that is in Job. Someone could be
    cynical about life because of all the bad things that can happen, but someone
    could be glad they got the chance to find what good in life they found. The
    latter may or may not believe in God, but just add God, and that's Job.

    The danger is in the believer or non-believer leader getting too 'centric about
    it, and that's what the JWs leaders do to the point of cooking up the research
    books to try to prove their dozen or so distinctive rules, meant to prove their
    exclusiveness, are right. People who believe i God or don't can be friends, but
    thousands have died by making the mistake of following the JWs leaders' cooked up
    cases about blood, worldliness and politics, and were separated over their
    shunning rules. The case I have for that is at the next links, which is what I'd
    recommend to JWs worried about the fate of those who don't follow the JWs lead-

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