How many guys did you know who would not have become elders or pioneers if their wives had not pushed them to be more "spiritual"? What experiences did you have with these couples?
Experiences with elderettes?
by JimmyPage 8 Replies latest jw friends
I know one of them, they are self righteous bitches, they were disfellowshipped when they were very young. He is now an elder, I think the wife pushed him to the eldership. They are assholes. Thats all I have to say about them.
'Elderettes' or 'elders wives' are as bad as their husbands, if not worse, most are told all the 'private' congregational information and make sure they have their own biased input to it.
If the 'elderettes' don't like you for some reason, you are then screwed by the elders.
They are very skilled liars and have to be believed by the congo. OR else!
Many are the 'power' behind the elder and he just does as he is told.
Remember I have 56 years experience of the org and some 35 years of the elder arrangement and 'elderettes'.
There were plenty of Elderettes that were not even elder's wives. They were old crotchity sisters that would have been "mothers of the church" had they been in another religion. They thought they ran things, including the elders. They were ignorant and irritating. They didn't like me and I didn't like them.
how about Palma Catanzaro? CO Angelo Catanzaro's sister?
she was elderette #1, she even said "if I was a man, i would be elder!"
she brought in 400 people in the truth and stumbled 401. had her funeral in Stanley theatre..... said some very bad things about people.
There were a couple of elderettes here that were quite controlling. I couldn't stand them.
We have a couple here.
When my wife was fading from the Troof, an elder and his wife droped by unanounced. I opened the dood while wearing my custom-made T-shirt thar reads: I'm an Immigrant and I'm F#&!ng Proud of It
Her eyes opened wide and no sound came out of her. I told them she worked 12 hours a day and she was not reachable, then closed the door. Never saw them again. One year later we moved to the West Coast. Freedom!!!!!!!!
I found them to be huge asseTs in the congregation.