Did she miss her flight or JW meeting

by is there help out there 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • is there help out there
    is there help out there


    Some times I do this when I can`t find any Cookies.

  • is there help out there
    is there help out there

    My sister did this once when I was living with her and I put her bra ic the cloth dryer.

  • DaCheech

    air travel can be stressful.

    my mind would be stressed if i would miss a flight. women don't rationalize like men

  • purplesofa

    In America, they would have tasered her.

  • shopaholic

    For some reason I thought it was hilarious. I have missed flights before, including international flights, it is enough to make you want to freak out especially if you already checked your luggage.

  • stillajwexelder

    Funny and yet not funny. I onced missed an overnight overseas flight and I was not happy

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I had checked luggage on a flight to India..sure enough...one of the bags didnt show up for 3 days...just in time for me to turn around and go back home (a 3 week trip turned into a 6 day trip)....JW sister broke off the engagement..LOL...in retrospect the best thing that ever happened to me..shortly after that I started the fade....

    Snakes ()

    ps..funny video...I posted it here 2 hours after you did...I didnt see your thread....

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