I have heard that some KH have talent contasts, is this true.
talent contast.
by is there help out there 9 Replies latest jw friends
no but they do have spelling bees.............oompa
Dammit Oompa! You beat me to it!
We didn't have contests, but we had talent shows. Pretty embarrassing stuff in retrospect. Either sad or funny depending on your point of view.
They stopped those our Hall after a sister performed who could pick up a quarter without using her hands
Our congos had them off and on for years, depending on the current climate for allowing such things. They had to be called talent shows not talent competitions for fear of engendering a "spirit of competition."
Sad thing was there was some genuine talent in those congos... one brother was a sax player and had played with a well known group back in the 60s or 70s (I forget the group name now, but the older ones said it was well known). There were others that were outstanding vocalists and instrumentalists...
The tide has turned and all of the so-called fun things are hardly allowed.... graduations and anniversaries are still celebrated, along with weddings and baby showers....and of course the food fests after a KH funeral talk infomercial. Wonder how long before those things are considered "bringing too much attention to oneself" and more time could be spent in the field circus?
Snakes ()
Our congos had them off and on for years, depending on the current climate for allowing such things. They had to be called talent shows not talent competitions for fear of engendering a "spirit of competition."\
Imagine how boring the new system would have been.
no but they do have spelling bees.............oompa
hah....that's funny, coming from you
But getting back to the original question, I remember when some brothers got together to "jam". They rented a building and invited anyone who could play, or just wanted to listen, to come and enjoy the fun. All they asked was that everyone chip in to help pay for the building they were renting...not unlike when the brothers would rent a gym to play basketball and we all had to chip in a buck or two to help pay. They did this once a month or so.
Of course, enter the elders who clamped down on the activity. When pressed for a scriptural reason as to why people couldn't get together to play, the elders claimed that someone was trying to make money by charging "admission" at the door to their "concerts".
Similarly, there were a couple of costume parties. It was a big hit...until the CO condemned it and then there was an article in a WT casting in a bad light.
It all boils down to if something is too much fun and can keep you focused on something other than meetings or field service, they'll find a way to condemn or outlaw it.
I remember going to a "jam" session. The brothers played a lot of Eagles tunes. I stepped in and played the solo for "Hotel California". Someone said they could tell we had practiced that a lot, which made me feel good because I had never played with them before in my life. I also remember going to a costume party. It was put on a by a sister who would now condemn such an evil event.
Hotel California...
That reminds me that some people questioned the type music played at these jams. Hotel California was one that bothered some people...there was a rumor going round that the Eagles were Satan worshippers and the lyrics were about demons and blah blah blabedy blah blah.
A lot of the most popular groups and songs would invariably upset someone and the players would be asked to not play them.
Some of the guys were smart and would play obscure songs that were probably more "questionable" but since no one knew what they were and they omitted the lyrics, no one questioned those songs.