I personally don't believe that Jesus Christ came 2000 years ago to save anyone bar for himself, if there was an actual Jesus he lived his life according the way his spirit led him, this ended in his death - as he was a threat to the rulers/government/religious leaders of that time. He took a stand for what he believed in and was responsible for his actions.
Today we have christian faiths that lay their sins at the foot of the cross and expect to be forgiven over and over again for their perceived sins and I reckon that they truly believe that christ will wash away their sins with his blood....why should Jesus (as god for arguments sake) take on the sins of everyone else? He did his time. Why not buck up and take responsiblity for them yourself and redeem yourself. Why look to him to do it for you - that teaches you nothing except palming off your sins. How many billions make a mockery of what it meant to die on one of those crosses anyway.
Surely your salvation - it that is what you want to call, it is your own responsibility, don't look to the heavens to save you. Save yourself.
(a random rant for no particular reason)