Im finally doing it...

by WuzLovesDubs 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Many of you have known my trials and tribs in this marriage for a looong time. As I said recently I told him I was moving out. Well I went out and found a really nice place for myself and my two youngest. A three bedroom, three full bath townhouse, still close by but far enough away. I love it! I am in the process of negotiating with the owner (it needs a LOT of updating and such but is basically really cute and totally doable. And...20 feet from the POOL! :)

    I am waiting to hear from her so wish me luck! Also...I was stressin about the two months down I would have to come up with and today looked at the bank account and my tax refund hit today so yayyyyyy! Things are falling into place! Im excited!!

    As for him...I think he is actually looking forward to living by himself. Its weird.


  • Dune

    The part about the tax refund arriving today reminds me of those witness stories about Jehoba helping the witness at the last minute. So it kinda gave me a chuckle.

    But yeah, Congrats on the independence.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    That sounds nice, the kids will just love the pool. I wish you all the best!

  • llbh

    Hope all goes well for you, life is to be enjoyed.

    I am toward the end of my divorce as i have posted a little about here before, i found it a mixture of trepidation and liberating.

    Regards David

  • Bubblie

    Wus I wish you the best on your own. Sounds like you've made up your mind and remember he didn't have much to say back to you when you told him. Raise your children in love and peace.


  • WuzLovesDubs

    Yes trepidation is a good word for it. I have all this nervous energy. The whole job, economy, money crunch thing only adds to my anxiety. He and I are just co-existing in the same home and its been like that a verrrry long time. Im not sure if he wishes I would stay or is glad Im leaving. Its so...bizarre.

    Still havent heard from the owner of this place to see if she accepts my offer. I dont know if she is out of the country or what. My realtor is trying to track her down. Meanwhile...we all just wait and wait.

    My oldest found himself an apt and is moving out on Monday. Holy cow...we are all like abandoning the ship here simultaneously. His timing stinks but my husband seems to be ok with him leaving as well. Feels it is "time" for him to leave the nest. He also noted that he feels the only reason my son wants his own place is so he can "bring girls home and fornicate" and he "wont have that going on in his house." LOL.

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