Possible Cure/Treatment For All Neurologic Disease

by metatron 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    This is a very deep, complicated article. That said it offers great hope for finding effective treaments for Parkinsons, Alzheimers, Lou Gerhrig's disease and Huntington's.

    It concerns autophagy - an internal housekeeping system used by cells to get rid of defective proteins.

    More than the above, It could lead to a cure for aging itself!



  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    While most of that was way over my head it will be interesting to see if the studies come up with some connection to other neurological disorders.

  • smiddy

    I`m really pissed off with reports like these that give false hope to people who have these , or any other type of disease , and in this case 7 years later we are still no closer to be able to say we have a cure.

    It`s cruel., and yet it seems to happen all the time.

    My wife was diagnosed with Parkinson`s over 10 years ago , and since yesterday she is in hospital for the next week while they monitor her condition .

    The medication she was on was changed , then went back to her original tablets and she is now worse than she ever was.

    Anxiety , depression ,hallucinations are just some of the symptoms , apart from the physical symptoms one can experience , as well as the side affects some drugs can have on you.

    So hopefully , they can sort out and properly manage her condition so she can lead a relatively normal life.

    She has never been one to go to doctors unless it`s ABSOLUTELY necessary .

    So yes , media releases that give promises ,false hope to people , in some cases 10 or 15 years or more before anything of the sort even looks like occurring pisses me off greatly.



  • stillin

    I agree, Smiddy. It almost seems like the business of treating some diseases is firmly entrenched and cures are not welcome.

    I hate to sound paranoid, but medical science seems to only progress to a point. Not all it can be.

  • Skedaddle

    @smiddy - You might want to have a look on earthclinic.com for posts by 'Ted'. Ted's not well himself at the moment - he suffered a massive stroke last year so he can't respond to any comments as he's still in recovery but I see he's left information for someone else about Parkinson's. At the bottom of each page click the tab to go to next page. Here's the link;


    Ted's got a lab and he treats patients - He worked in USA for a long time, now he's back home in Bangkok. He posts all his findings on there. He's legit. Let me know if you need help with anything... hope your wife's feeling better soon.

    @Stillin - Lost my faith a long time ago when the doc wanted me to drink radio-active fluid. Er, NO! I'll cure myself thanks! And I did! Poor doctors are being blindsided with their schooling! Never seen so much corruption in all my life as the state of the medical profession. It's a disgrace.

  • nonjwspouse
    smiddy after 15 years my father had deep brain stimulation surgery and it really was a hope for improvement. The several hours of after effects of the stimulation during surgery were absolutely amazing. It was seeing what the effects would be like after the full implantation of the stimulator, and then adjusting the stimulation.
    Sadly, very sadly, my father didn't get to see much of this stimulator activation effects due to being diagnosed with cancer on;y a few months after the surgery, and the stimulation is ramped up slowly, precisely. With chemotherapy etc, his health was deteriorating so that the results could not be base lined. The neurologist continued with him until he no longer had the physical ability to make the trip to his office two hours away.
    Years ago, something like this stimulation, which is easily reversed or changed if not working right, could feel like a "false hope".
    I see in all the research have done through the years that the connection with the gut and proteins do seem to be very likely. All the artificial environmental toxins we have become practically bathed in have to be having effect on people in one way or another. How to handle or fix it? Who knows. Maybe someone will figure out something, someone with personal interest, maybe like my son.
    ((((((Smiddy))))) I hope your wife is out of the hospital and doing some better soon. I feel some of your pain.

  • smiddy

    stillin , Skedaddle ,nonjwspouse , I thank you for your thoughts and suggestions .

    My wife is still under observation in hospital , and has been told she is not mad , not phsycotic ,or even having hallucinations in the strict meaning of the word.

    She is having illusions ,her eyes playing tricks with her brain due to complications with her medication for parkinsons disease that they need to sort out.

    Today when I visited her she seemed much more like her old self , so I don`t think she will be in their much longer. She is learning to live with what she is experiencing knowing it`s related to her illness.

    Once again thank you for your concern guys.


  • Vidiot

    @ smiddy...

    You mean she wasn't "demonized"???



    Seriously, though... pass on our sympathies and good will.

  • smiddy

    Funny you should say that Vidiot , we both have been out for over 20 years and when she was first experiencing these problems the thought crossed her mind , " if i was still in the religion I would have thought I was under the influence of the Demons ", however she quickly discarded that thought , realizing it is a medical condition due to her medication .

    The good news is she came home today and is well on to being her old self.


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