I know your all waiting for this (wink)
by mouthy 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
HI there Mouthy!!!! Good to "hear" from you again!!!!!
GEEZ! Does the LDS have the same writers as the WTS?
It smelled like a Watchtower to me!!!
Sad emo
For a moment I thought you'd become an atheist!
Hey Sad Emo!!!!! Prove to me how the trees,birds, bees,flowers,seas,came to be!!! without a creatorFor a moment I thought you'd become an atheist!
And maybe I will be come an atheist....I believe God created all things, But when he made man
It all got screwed up... Man/woman is the "fly in the oinment"ruined it all, though they have only lately
got around to REALLY ruining the earth,trees,seas etc. -
Sad emo
Hi Grace, I was just joking LOL! I know your faith is unshakeable I just thought I'd get the pun in before one of the resident atheists did!!
Ok i'll go to my room now...
... a nice place where I close the door and talk with my Heavenly Father
Ok i'll go to my room now...
COME OUT! COME OUT Wherever you are LOL......
I forgot your a believer .Dont forget I am gonna be 82 in a few months LOL
People phone me I pretend I know who they are. LOL They seem to think I do....
I forget my own name sometimes( only kidding -
What is one to make of all this? Each Jesus is different enough that they can not all be the same guy. Will Mormon Jesus battle it out with Watchtower Jesus? (who must have wings what with being Michael) With all these Jesii flitting about the end time will be horribly confusing. Then in the final battle will it be Honest-to-God Jesus who abysses all the lesser Jesii? This sort of stuff confuses me and no one ever explained it to me. I asked my study conductor if Bible Jesus was going to do away with Watchtower Jesus when he comes back "for every eye to see"? He wouldn't answer. I pointed out they have to be different because Watchtower Jesus sneaks back and skulks around for decades, plus he is also Michael.
Owww, my head hurts!